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Month in Review and November Goals

Migrating birdsA flock of migrating birds

We made the most of a string of beautiful days in October, and a very fun trip to the Cape (Yarmouth). Mike’s aunt and uncle treated us to a free stay at the lovely stay at the Cove at Yarmouth. The rooms were nice and clean, and best of all there was a kiddie pool for kids aged four and under – perfect for my 1-year-old, 2-year-old, and 4-year-old water babies! Highlights of the trip for the kids were the beach, the ZooQuarium (also a favorite last year) and the Cape Cod Children’s Museum, which is brilliantly laid out in a large warehouse-type building so that multiple children can play with different exhibits and still be seen by a single parent. I was pleased to see that they included dress-up clothes for boys – Johnny played blissfully throughout the museum dressed up as an astronaut fireman, with some knight’s armor added later on! We were able to get into the Children’s Museum for free thanks to our membership to the Acton Discovery Museums!

We picked apples in October, but just barely! We were the only group at the farm that day to be allowed to pick apples off the trees instead of from bushel buckets! I think they felt bad because our original date had been cancelled due to rain. The apples were tiny, but delicious honeycrisp, so no complaints here! My original counters got slightly cleaner due to the introduction of SHELVING in the laundry room closet. I now have somewhere to store my appliances other than the kitchen table! Hooray!!! I made less progress on donating stuff than I would have liked, so that goal is continuing into November. I’m very pleased with my completed hat, but I forgot to bring the materials needed for Emma’s sloper to Cape Cod, so no progress was made there. The trip itself was delightful, and we will greatly miss Mike’s family when the last visitors leave Wednesday night.

One final, unplanned goal was met in October: Emma graduated speech therapy! She worked really hard, and we are all very excited to hear her speaking much more clearly while requiring less effort! She now helps Johnny practice his words. =)

Here are my November goals:

monthly goals at mama smiles

What are your goals for November?

  1. Elisa | blissfulE
  2. The Toy Box Years
  3. Transformations

    This linky list is now closed.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

9 thoughts on “Month in Review and November Goals”

  1. The museum that you visited while on your trip sounds like a wonderful place for families to visit. We really enjoy discovering places like this where are lots of activities for the children to explore and have fun with.

    Wonderful news that Emma graduated Speech therapy. She will make a wonderful teacher to her little brother – what a team!

  2. It sounds like you had a great month! I can’t believe that Johnny will be turning 3 already! Yay to Emma for graduating speech therapy!
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..What My Child Is Reading – October 30- 2010 =-.

  3. Elisa | blissfulE

    That photo is amazing – so many birds!! Huge congratulations to Emma on graduating, and on helping Johnny so he can reach the same goal. Fabulous!

    I would love to go apple-picking sometime – your description “delicious honeycrisp” makes my mouth water. AND I’ve been looking for an excuse to try this apple dip recipe.

    What a breakthrough for you as well, with a new place to store your appliances. I’m just so thrilled for you and your wonderful month!! :) :)
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..month in review and November goals =-.

  4. Two Chicks and a Hen

    It sounds like you were quite busy in October. Congratulations, Emma! How very exciting. And honeycrisp–yuuuuuuuuum.
    .-= Two Chicks and a Hen´s last blog ..How Weve Been Pre-Halloweening- and a Thank You to The Crafty Crow =-.

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