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Wordless Wednesday (with words)


Pretty Emma. You can see in this picture where she chopped her hair off on the left side of her face.


Johnny licking water off of our concrete patio after I dumped it off of our picnic bench (so he would stop licking it off the bench)


So he loves eating dirt water off a dirty patio…


But here’s his reaction to oatmeal (I don’t think any of it wound up in his stomach…)

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

10 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday (with words)”

  1. Hmm, everybody should drink a little dirty patio water, right? Very cute kids you have there. :)

  2. Great pics! I heard that the average person consumes up to 2 pounds of dirt during his lifetime. LOL Does that sound about right to you?

  3. J. Leigh Designz

    HAHA! I love the one with him licking the water! Come on over and link up! Check out the post above to check out all the amazing giveaways all over blogland right now! If you have one feel free to add in!

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