Cute series of pictures! Looks like Lily is enjoying starting solids with the help of big brother and sister. :) .-= sunnymama´s last blog ..February scenes (Nozy’s Nature Pictures) =-.
So cute! I remember those days…. .-= adriana´s last blog ..Update on French =-.
Looks like she enjoyed it! Looks like the big kids did, too!
Elisa | blissfulE
Love this! The exuberance! The enthusiasm! The fun! Well done, to Lily and her support staff!! :) .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..on the play mat =-.
These are wickedly cute! So many little helpers and your littlest seems like a natural with that spoon:) Happy WW! .-= Christine´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Mimicking Offspring =-.
What a fun milestone. How is Lily so neat? I expected to see pictures of food smeared all over her face : ) .-= Quadmama´s last blog ..Splitting Them Up Pt. 2 =-.
@Quadmama – lol =) it’s just applesauce and Emma was quickly wiping everything off the tray (Emma’s idea, not mine). Although I agree, she kept her face surprisingly neat.
We started J-jo a week and a half ago (he was starting to nurse every hour and I was too exhausted to wait two more weeks!). He only finally started liking it two days ago! .-= Julie´s last blog ..Postcards =-.
Cute series of pictures! Looks like Lily is enjoying starting solids with the help of big brother and sister. :)
.-= sunnymama´s last blog ..February scenes (Nozy’s Nature Pictures) =-.
I just found your blog! I can’t wait to read more!
So cute! I remember those days….
.-= adriana´s last blog ..Update on French =-.
Looks like she enjoyed it! Looks like the big kids did, too!
Love this! The exuberance! The enthusiasm! The fun! Well done, to Lily and her support staff!! :)
.-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..on the play mat =-.
so exciting. such great photos
Now, that is a lot of fun. What did you give her for her first meal?
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Confession Time: Morning People =-.
@Jen – applesauce =)
We are doing that at our house too. Cute photos!
.-= Cascia @ Healthy Moms´s last blog ..Hooray for Giveaways! | 2/8 – 2/15 =-.
I love the picture of the older two cheering Lily up. Yay for another milestone!
.-= Natalie´s last blog ..Mass Produced Valentines =-.
So cute! I love that the other kids are there helping out!
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Bloggography Week 3: Shutter Speed =-.
don’t you just love it when the kids help with the feedings.
.-= Auntie E´s last blog ..RubyTuesday-Blizzard 2010 =-.
These are wickedly cute! So many little helpers and your littlest seems like a natural with that spoon:) Happy WW!
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Mimicking Offspring =-.
What a fun milestone. How is Lily so neat? I expected to see pictures of food smeared all over her face : )
.-= Quadmama´s last blog ..Splitting Them Up Pt. 2 =-.
@Quadmama – lol =) it’s just applesauce and Emma was quickly wiping everything off the tray (Emma’s idea, not mine). Although I agree, she kept her face surprisingly neat.
We started J-jo a week and a half ago (he was starting to nurse every hour and I was too exhausted to wait two more weeks!). He only finally started liking it two days ago!
.-= Julie´s last blog ..Postcards =-.
what fun! with those two great helpers, I’m sure she’ll eat a lot more!!! (Conner often gives Abby more food than what I’ve served her!!!)