MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
17 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Newborn Beauty (four years ago)”
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MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
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.-= Tracye´s last blog ..At the Cake Show in Austin… =-.
Awww. There is just something so precious about a newborn photo. They are just so peaceful and serene.
.-= Jeannie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday…..3 months =-.
Emma is simply exquisite every day.
.-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..reading together =-.
So cute and contented. :)
.-= sunnymama´s last blog ..Set of 6 tulip cards GIVEAWAY =-.
Aw…what a sweet new born face, time flies huh?
.-= Katie´s last blog ..Meeting Bloggers Face to Face, Imagine That! =-.
Awwwwwwww I remember when! Happy WW
.-= Xmasdolly´s last blog ..WORDLESS WEDNESDAY – SISTERS! =-.
so, so sweet and beautiful. lucky you!
.-= Beverly´s last blog ..A few books =-.
NOTHING as beautiful and calm as newborn sleeping!!!
.-= OLLIE MCKAY’S CHIC BOUTIQUE´s last blog .. =-.
She is beautiful! Is it her birthday? Happy Birthday!
.-= Cascia @ Healthy Moms´s last blog ..Understanding Your Dreams – What They are Trying to Say and Do For You =-.
Aww, so peaceful! If only they stayed that way :)
.-= Andrea @ The Train To Crazy´s last blog ..Will you be a voice for children? =-.
Super Cute!! Love the new baby shots!
.-= Andrea´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday! =-.
So sweet! I just love sleeping babies!
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Bloggography Week 4: Aperture =-.
Oh so sweet! I can’t wait for another one of those newborns :)
.-= Keeling´s last blog ..3 years old =-.
As soon as the page came up all I could think was… “Awwwww, sweet sleeping baby!” Just lovely, Happy WW!
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Birthday C-Culls =-.
Is that Emma? Beautiful Emma! Four years have just gone by in a flash. I look at Emily’s baby photos and think it was just yesterday. As I type this, that same Emily is sitting “reading” to Kate on the sofa. Where are those five years?
.-= LiEr´s last blog ..Only my own skirt left! =-.
That is a darling photo of wee miss Emma…. Seriously I just did a “Aww”
.-= brooke´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday – Wishing I was there =-.
Aww! Sweet baby face!! My youngest is turning three soon and its breaking my heart:(
.-= Noelle´s last blog ..(Almost) Wordless Wednesday =-.