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Word of the Year Activity and Inspiration List

Looking for a fun way to focus and bring new energy into a new year? This printable word of the year activity and its accompanying inspiration list will help you figure out what you want to prioritize in the coming year. You might also enjoy this fun word of the year generator.

Word of the year goal setting activity

Moving into a new year brings with it so much energy and opportunity. Many find this time optimal for refocusing, planning, and organizing thoughts for the coming year.

A great way to do this is to choose a Word of the Year. Use the list on this free Word of the Year printable to help guide your way in the new year.

Printable Word of the Year Activity

What is a Word of the Year, and why does it seem like everyone talking about it?

The Word of the Year is different for everyone. It is a word that is chosen as a point of focus during the year.

It’s different than a resolution in that it’s not as specific and can be applied to daily life in a broader fashion.

Word of the year activity and inspiration list - free printable

Why Choose a Word of the Year?

Educators and parents can use a word of the year to inspire and encourage themselves throughout the year. Teens and older children can use it to motivate them to make changes or learn something new.

word of the year inspiration list and printable activity

So….How does one go about choosing a Word of the Year?

Check out this Word of the Year free printable for 170+ ideas on what your Word of the Year can be for the new year. Then use the second page to create your Word of the Year inspiration sheet.

My 11 year old and I completed this activity together. It was very enlightening to talk about how our mindsets and attitudes are affected by the words on the list.

Things to Think About When Choosing a Word of the Year

Some of the questions to talk or think about when deciding on a Word of the Year are:

  • What feeling do I want to experience most next year?
  • How will this word motivate me?
  • What challenges does this word present?
  • Which word “jumped out” at me from the list?
  • What are some of my goals for next year?

Word of the Year Activity Instructions

After you chose your word, fill out the Word of the Year Inspiration sheet. We used colored pencils to color in and write our answers in the question frames. My 11-year-old opted to doodle some little illustrations as well.

Word of the year printable activity

Once finished, your Word of the Year inspiration sheet can be posted where you will see it frequently. (I’m putting mine next to my mirror in the master closet.) You can use notes in a planner or monthly goal setting to help you stay on track throughout the year.

Choosing a Word of the Year can help focus and inspire you to meet goals and/or make changes on a daily basis throughout the year. Let this Word of the Year Word List and Inspiration sheet help you find a word that is perfect for you!

What word will you choose?

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Andie Jaye
Andie Jaye

Andie Jaye is a former preschool teacher turned stay-at-home mom of 4 kiddos. Her blog, Do.Play.Learn., focuses on creative learning and play ideas, as well as parenting topics. Andie strives to be honest in her approach and experiences in parenting to let other moms know that they are not alone in their struggle. In her free time, she writes children’s books in hopes of publishing someday.

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