We enjoyed stunning autumn leaves in Massachusetts this week! Four-year-old Johnny especially enjoys running through them, and I love seeing them on the trees!
Mike had a three-day weekend courtesy of Columbus Day, and we all enjoyed the extra time with him home!
Two-month-old Anna is working on her tummy time skills, with varying levels of enthusiasm…
Mike is working hard to instill his love of math in his children. Khan Academy is a lot of fun, and if you’ve never visited the site you should – especially if you share Mike’s opinion that, “If we’re going to raise nerds, we have to start early!”
I loved Emma’s fanciful depiction of Pi. I will never look at that number the same way again. Maybe Johnny will come up with an illustration of i, one of these days…
One of Mike’s coworkers owns a horse, and she invites the kids to come ride him every fall. Emma drew this picture in anticipation of the event, which took place last Monday. Photos to follow soon :)
Johnny’s birthday is still a couple months away, but he is hard at work planning the event! He wrote this birthday list all on his own – with spelling help, of course!
It was International Babywearing Week, and Anna celebrated by hanging out in every single one of my baby carriers at least once this week!
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The Educators’ Spin On It
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
This post about Pi just makes me smile. I love how Pi comes between 3 and 4, what a great description. For me, I wasn’t sure if I should be excited that my 1.5 yr old recognized Pi before any letters in the Latin alphabet.
My husband has been watching the Khan Academy with our kids too!
I love these pictures. Precious moments!
I feel like autumn is extra beautiful this year. Maybe it is, or maybe I am just getting older and noticing more. Not sure.
We love Khan Academy also!
You have a great home…you can feel the love through the computer screen!
Three day weekends are always awesome!
Sounds like a glorious week! Pi was never so charming before… :)
The photos in this post are amazing. Love the picture of Mike with the fantastic four! I have to try Khan Academy with Anna, a little frustrated with her math curriculum in school!
I hope you like Khan Academy!
Love calling my kiddos the Fantastic Four :)
I love his birthday paper, it’s cute.
I loved that he came up with that all on his own :)
I love the pic of Mike with the kids doing math, so funny that the baby is learning too!
Emma’s pictures are awesome and Johnny is writing well.
Here’s the Bedtime Math link: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/manage/optin/ea?v=001GNzkZfPAEp0W0ven4I-IJQ%3D%3D
If you like math, you should try Bedtime Math. It’s free, comes in your e-mail box daily and she gives three different versions of the same problem, for various levels/ages of children. My site (http://www.montessorimessy.com) also has a few mathie things.
We just discovered Bedtime Math – what a wonderful site! Thanks for sharing the link!!!
I agree, it’s never too early to start turning the kids into nerds! Also I am having a cute overload moment here looking at all your photos!
We love Khan Academy too! Love the title of this post. Thank you for sharing.
Oh my! That pic of Mike with the kids is so precious! And our hubbys should meet, their philosophies sound similar. :) We have 2 of the kids in Kumon Math, it’s been working wonders!
Maybe we can plan a play date sometime :)