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Week in Review: Baby Days

Newborn baby wisdom

This week has been all about Baby Anna, who showed up on her Daddy’s birthday! She has us all wrapped around her tiny little finger.

adoring big sister

Three-year-old Lily is proving an incredibly dedicated big sister! Yesterday she got up at 4:30am and stayed up, “helping” me take care of her (sleeping) baby sister…

meeting a new baby sister

Four-year-old Johnny was a little worried about the baby stealing all of his toys, but she won him over instantly! Once he saw her he decided “we should keep her” – and he has asked me several times not to give her back.

siblings with a new baby

Six-year-old Emma is a very helpful, loving, and dedicated oldest sibling. This is Lily’s first time with a baby in the house, and Johnny’s first time being old enough to remember. Emma is the resident “baby expert”, and loves the authority that comes with her expertise.

We’re enjoying the final days of my parents and sister visiting – they fly home Tuesday morning. The kids have had many wonderful adventures with them, as well as my sister who lives nearby. They visited Georges Island, Old Sturbridge Village, Walden Pond, and picked blueberries (twice!) at Parlee Farms!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

25 thoughts on “Week in Review: Baby Days”

  1. Kim @ The Educators' Spin On It

    Congratulations! Baby Anna is so precious and I love all the siblings images, such a true blessing. Daddy and her will always have a special day together too, so fun! Wishing you an easy recovery and lots of special time together.

  2. So beautiful…it’s so lovely to see children blossom when there is a new baby in the house. Hope you are getting some rest. Enjoy!

  3. Elisa | blissfulE

    Incredibly precious photos. So happy for all of you and the addition of Anna to your hearts and lives.

  4. Wow MaryAnne! You and your family are so beautiful… so blessed! When I was younger, and hopeful for what my own little family may look like and become… it was just as yours is… happy, loved, appreciated, and strong! Now, as my own little family grows, I only hope we can grow as yours has- in love, understanding, and togetherness. Congrats to yet another miracle x

  5. Very sweet that Johnny’s decided she should stay. It probably helps that she’s likely not too interested in his toys yet. :-) It’s so fun to see all the kids enjoying their new sister. She looks very well-loved.

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