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Visiting Massachusetts!

Visiting Massachusetts!

Last Thursday we returned from a delightful trip to Massachusetts – barely missing Hurricane Arthur! We had a wonderful visit with my sister E. and many of our old friends. My sister was gracious enough to let us all stay in her two-bedroom apartment, and it was so nice to catch up with friends! The kids also got to see their old schools and teachers, since school was still in session when we first got there. That also made them very happy! It was great to be back, and one of our friends even had her baby two weeks early, so we got to drop by the hospital and meet him! Isn’t he gorgeous?


I’m planning a post about some of our favorite Boston-area sites for kids, but for now I’m writing about the non-destination things we love. The trees and green-ness of Massachusetts is one of my favorite features of the state, and it was beautiful to see so many trees throughout the local towns and lining the freeways! I really enjoyed watching these geese (with at least one duck) on the Charles River!

Enjoying Boston-area nature

The kids found a huge pile of sand in one of the parks, and decided to go treasure hunting. Amazingly, both Emma and Johnny found plastic gold coins in the pile of sand! These kinds of simple play moments often create my children’s favorite memories from a trip. It’s easy to worry about seeing sites, but this type of local play is its own kind of sight seeing. If you do want to see sights in Massachusetts, Old Sturbridge Village is our all-time favorite thing to see!

Digging for treasure in sand

Anna enjoyed practicing her gross motor skills by walking up and down the pile of sand. Quite a workout for her!

Practicing gross motor skills by climbing sand piles

What family fun do you have planned for July?

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

15 thoughts on “Visiting Massachusetts!”

  1. Looks like some great outdoor sights! That greenness is beautiful especially since everything around me right now is brown! Signs of Winter!

  2. I am so sorry to miss you in Boston but I just couldn’t get it together after the move and getting ready for the overseas trip. I’m so glad you had a great trip and avoided the hurricane!

  3. Sounds like it was a great trip and your friend’s baby is so cute! We have some fun museum visits planned and swimming lessons. Trying to stay cool too :)

  4. So many family trips this month. I need to get started on the packing and laundry for the first round of trips today.
    They were still in school! That’s just crazy talk. Not that I have room to talk with finishing up most of our school work last week.

  5. Elisa | blissfulE

    Wow! How did your kids know there would be treasure in the sand? I’m so glad their excavation skills were rewarded. :) You loving that swinging photo of Lily, and her concentration while walking in the sand. So glad you had such a wonderful trip!! Gorgeous baby!! Newborns are just amazing. Looking forward to welcoming mine as a highlight of the coming month!!

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