Kids love this simple turkey in disguise Thanksgiving craft! It’s an easy activity, too, especially with my free printable! You will also love these adorable turkey crafts!

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Disguise a Turkey Thanksgiving Activity for Kids
What You'll Find on This Page
Turkeys don’t REALLY want to be eaten, right? Let your kids save some virtual turkeys with this fun turkey in disguise project. Scroll to the end of the post for a free printable to make this project even easier!
I love seeing all the different incognito turkeys, too, as I find that each child approaches their turkey disguise project differently.

Turkey Trouble is the perfect book to read as you complete this activity!
You’ll also love the free I Am Not a Turkey easy reader printable that my friend Cassie of 3 Dinosaurs wrote. It’s a great help for any kids looking for inspiration of ways to disguise their turkeys.
Add some science with this fun turkey science “why do turkeys gobble” experiment.

Emma disguised this turkey way back in 2011, when she was five years old. She dressed her turkey up as her dad! Mike only rarely wears a suit to work, but it looks so much more impressive!
This was very much a “family project”. I helped her cut out the shapes after she grew frustrated over not being able to get them to look the way she wanted. You’ll notice that she refused to color more than a handful of feathers. She did enjoy gluing on the disguise. =)
While this is a common kindergarten project, I think that this Thanksgiving craft for kids is one that older children would probably enjoy even more.
This is also an example of something that *should* be fun becoming a chore. Of course, now that it’s a project from years ago Emma has super fond memories of disguising her turkey!

I’m thinking these turkeys could use a lesson from Emma’s paper turkey – there were twenty-one of them partying in our yard Monday morning! They barely moved when I opened the door to take a photo – those tail feathers were already up, showing off who is in charge, I guess. They weren’t nearly as shy as the deer we saw Saturday!

This guy spooked the second I stepped outside. Check out all the white fur on his tail!
Turkey in Disguise Printable
Download our printable for this Thanksgiving craft by clicking on the image below.
How would you disguise a turkey?

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MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
My now 15 yr old son did this craft when he was still in public school and I always thought it was so cute. We are now doing it again with my 7 year old for the first time, and my 15 yr old. Thank you for the other ideas and the I’m not a turkey printable.
Awesome picture! Wonder if it’s one of Santa’s?
I love this assignment – very appropriate for the kindergarten. Anna’s Thanksgiving assignment was to interview various family members and write down their thankful thoughts – a bit much for a kinder! Your wildlife is amazing!
That is a lot for kindergarten. Emma’s teacher has only sent very age-appropriate homework so far, which I really appreciate!
Wow, it’s all happening in your backyard! How fascinating to have these animals visit. This morning while I was hanging out some washing a large (rather large) lizard poked his head out from between our boulder rocks. I am not a fan of big lizards and froze with fear. Oh the panic, I didn’t know what to do! It’s funny now as I think about it, but boy am I going to be watching my back when I hang the washing!
Woah- that last pic. Keep my husband out of your yard! I’m the vegetarian and he’s the avid hunter. lol
My second grader, Hannah, had the same assignment. Thought it was such a cute idea. Hannah disguised her turkey as a sunbeam. Not what I would have done, but I love how kids just think far more different than I!
Thanks for stopping by the Overflow today. If you miss the Thanksgiving tree, just hang a Christmas tree and fill it with thanks… praise fits in every season :)
I love the idea of a turkey disguised as a sunbeam – so creative!
Love the turkey pic! What a fun idea.
Love it!
That turkey is awesome…I am doing this with my kiddos….I think they will love it!
Your photos are awesome…what a great buck!
I bet your kids will make some awesome turkeys!
Ha!!!!!! I love the disguise!!!
Very cool wildlife too!
Wow, I love the beautiful wildlife in your yard. The only wildlife we see around here are deer and birds. But the deer never wander off into our backyards like that.
I just love all the wildlife in your neighbourhood. And Mike’s disguise is great! :)
LOL at the Mike Turkey. Now that’s a lot of turkeys! That’s cool that you had a buck. We get mostly does, but every now and then a buck shows up!
Awesome turkey! I can’t believe you had 21 in your yard!
It was the most we’ve seen. Usually there are only three or four out there. Family reunion, maybe? :)
I love how she decorated him!
We used to live in a house when I was in college that got deer and the like all the time. Not so much at our current house.
Your Tom Turkey came out great!!!
I think I should disguise myself as a turkey. That’s a pretty cool action shot of the deer!