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Teaching Computer Logic with Turing Tumble

We’re surrounded by computers! Besides our phones and laptops, we have computers in our cars, computers in our washing machines, computers in our dishwashers, and computers in our thermostats. Because computers are everywhere, it’s useful for everyone to understand at least the basics of how computers think. Turing Tumble makes teaching computer logic fun for all ages! This challenging game develops creativity and problem solving.

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Turing Tumble review. Turing Tumble makes teaching computer logic fun for all ages! This challenging game develops creativity and problem solving. #edchat #techgames #TuringTumble #STEMed #STEAMkids #computerscience #computerhistory

My husband is a computer scientist. I’m not, but I believe it’s important for everyone to understand how computers work. So when Timberdoodle asked if I wanted to review Turing Tumble, a game that teaches computer logic, I said yes.

I received a copy of this game to review, but no other compensation. All opinions are my own.

How Does Turing Tumble Teach Computer Logic?

Turing Tumble review

How does a game that looks like a pinball machine teach computer logic?

Computers are made up of tons of different components – circuit boards, fans, lights, and motors for a start.

But all of those pieces support the computer’s processor, which is where all of the programs and math and logic happen. This is hard work, and computer fans keep the chip from overheating.

At their most basic, computer processors are full of little switches that are flipped using electrical energy.

Turing Tumble uses switches (bits and gear bits) that are flipped using mechanical energy.

Does Turing Tumble Teach Programming?

Turing Tumble does not teach programming languages (I have a good programming language program review coming up later this year).

Instead of teaching programming, Turing Tumble offers a fun way for kids to learn computer LOGIC. By completing the different challenges that come in the book with the kit, kids learn about gates, switches, bits, binary counting, and more.

Setting up sequences on Turing Tumble

Turing Tumble offers a free educator guide and practice guide that you can download to extend learning even further.

What Skills Will Turing Tumble Teach Kids?

Besides helping kids learn about the internal workings of computers, Turing Tumble helps kids develop logic, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. Turing Tumble challenges require sequential problem solving that will also help later on as kids learn programming languages.

Here is a sequence that my daughter Lily (10 years old) created after watching the balls interact with the switches:

Using Turing Tumble to teach computer logic.

From this sequence, she figured out how to set up the switches to solve the puzzle.

Learning how computers work

Who Should Play Turing Tumble? Is It Fun, or Just for Teaching Computer Logic?

I have four kids, aged 7, 10, 11, and 13. Timberdoodle included Turing Tumble in their 6th Grade Curriculum Kit. One of the reasons I love shopping at Timberdoodle is that their age recommendations are nearly always spot on. Sure enough, Turing Tumble is most popular with my 10-year-old fifth grader and my 11-year-old 6th grader. They playing the game just for fun for quite a while before realizing it was teaching them computer logic.

That being said, this is a genuinely ageless game. 7-year-old Anna doesn’t figure out the puzzles logically the way her older siblings do, but she enjoys setting up the board and watching the balls. 13-year-old Emma finds the game soothing to watch and play.

The game does include lots of small pieces, so it is not safe for children who might put pieces in their mouths.

Turing Tumble makes teaching computer logic fun for all ages! This challenging game develops creativity and problem solving. #edchat #techgames #TuringTumble #STEMed #STEAMkids #computerscience #computerhistory

Have you ever played Turing Tumble? What did you think of this new STEM education game?

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MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

8 thoughts on “Teaching Computer Logic with Turing Tumble”

  1. natalie planetsmartypants

    This looks like a lot of fun. My husband might enjoy it more than my daughter :)

  2. That does look fun. I love games like this, but sadly I’ve found my kids don’t really play solo games. I’m kind of tempted to get it for me…

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