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Stuffies Kids Can Sew

Dog stuffie for kids to sew

My kids wanted to get in on the stuffie-making action for the Sew Mama Sew Spectacular Softies Contest, so I pulled out my bag of felt and we cut out a few dogs and cats based on drawings the kids made. My kids love cats and dogs, and wish we owned several of each; sadly Mike is highly allergic to pretty much everything. Nine-year-old Emma stitched the puppy above, and five-year-old Lily made the red cat below for Anna. Seven-year-old Johnny made a two-colored dog that was missing I action when I had my camera out. There is a little bit of creative stitching in each project, but the design is simple and their stitches are close enough to keep the stuffing in place, which is what matters for my kids.

These little stuffies are pocket-sized – about three inches tall. I don’t have a pattern – I just cut out the shape of a dog and a cat in two layers of felt, and the kids whip stitched the layers together. While my kids made these because they wish they had a pet and don’t, these would make great pet toys! They are also fun companions to attach to a zip pull on a backpack, and would be fun to hide and find as part of a birthday party.

cat stuffie for kids to sew

My kids have made several sewing projects over the years – here are five of my favorites besides these stuffies kids can sew:

You can find all of my sewing tutorials here.

What creative projects has your family been enjoying? Do you have a project that you think my kids would enjoy?

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

9 thoughts on “Stuffies Kids Can Sew”

  1. Aw so adorable! My kids haven’t started on sewing yet. I do remember growing up and being taught the basics of sewing, and I would sew just about anything, even if it was just looping thread through a plain square cloth! It’s so easy to get engrossed in it.

  2. Elisa | blissfulE

    Adorable!!! I will show this to my kids as they are in a phase of sewing felt pouches and would probably leap at the new idea!

  3. Natalie PlanetSmartyPants

    Jealous! My 8 year old has no interest in sewing. On the other hand, it’s hardly surprising since I don’t sew either… The stuffies your kids made look wonderful.

  4. jeannine @ waddleeahchaa

    So cute. Miss Enigma would love to follow your pattern to stitch a little doggie!

    I’m going to have to check out this little contest. My kiddos love stitching these little type stuffed animals. MacGyver in fact, stitches quite complicated stuffed animals including a real looking flat flounder. I love letting them experiment.

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