Home » Craft » Spaceship


building a "spaceship"
I had plans for a fantastic Filth Wizardry rocket ship when this huge box showed up at our front door (housing my brother’s cello). My kids loved the idea, but not my design. Here is their version of a rocket ship. Eventually they tore down the side walls even, and covered it in foam stickers. Not what I envisioned, but they thoroughly enjoyed it!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

8 thoughts on “Spaceship”

  1. The fun had is what counts! and they look like they had plenty :) I made the base structure of our rocket ship one evening, once they were asleep, so they just helped to decorate it, but they love having free creative reign too. We’ve recently been gifted someone’s used packing boxes, so we’ll likely have a huge totally unstructured buildathon with them pretty soon :) It’s been at least four months since the back yard looked like a shantytown ;)

  2. I love all of your recycled crafts, even if the kids do take them on a different mission than you’d had envisioned.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend Mary Anne!
    .-= Susana´s last blog ..Rod and Staff Math Grade 5 Giveaway =-.

  3. It’s neat that your brother is now close! I love the box – lucky that you have space for such a rocket ship!
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..Geography Track – Hoover Dam =-.

  4. Elisa | blissfulE

    3-2-1 Blast off!!

    But what was your brother’s cello doing at your house? Don’t tell me your whole family is as talented as you are!?
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..Vi eats a banana =-.

  5. Okay the rocket ship on Filth Wizardry is totally awesome, but I love that you let your kids do their own thing. I know sometimes I have ideas in my head and I carry on for my daughter, but she probably would be even happier doing it her own way.

    Kudos to you! And I remember getting a new fridge when I was a kid. Best playhouse ever! It was in the living room or the back yard for weeks. Windows, curtains. Markers love cardboard!

    Love love love it!
    .-= stephanie´s last blog ..in which my naughty bits get a makeover and my sister-in-law gets the last laugh =-.

  6. @Elisa – everyone in my family plays a stringed instrument, and my brother just moved nearby for school – lucky us!

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