Home » Children's Activity » Space Fun with Packing Peanuts

Space Fun with Packing Peanuts

Create a space ship console using packing peanuts. You’ll also love our fancy light up cardboard space shuttle!

Did you know that corn starch packing peanuts stick together with water? It’s a lot of fun, and my kids discovered a new twist on it:

Did you know that wet corn starch packing peanuts stick to cardboard? This was news to me – my kids discovered it, and build this nifty space control hub for their Star Wars ship!


The packing peanuts stick on REALLY well! Even with tilting of the control panel and in-flight turbulence, they stayed put!

Like this post? You should also check out our cardboard space shuttle that has a light-up dashboard!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

19 thoughts on “Space Fun with Packing Peanuts”

  1. I love seeing what your kids come up with – they are so wonderfully creative. I wonder where they get that from?

  2. Cool pic, I have so many pics of my kids in cardboard boxes! Oh things they figure out, will have to try the peanut and water thing next time!

  3. Great photo! I can imagine “tilting of the control panel and in-flight turbulence”. Well described!

  4. Your kids are so cute! I love when they think up their own games and theories. It’s one of the reasons I try not to butt in when my kid plays, because who knows what I would have stifled if I had just let him be.

  5. I didn’t realize those peanuts would stick to cardboard either! Nice discovery! I love it when kids play for hours with cardboard boxes! Such a great way to use their imaginations!

  6. You can never go wrong with kid directed crafts…… Unless it’s my daughter who’s attempting to sew when she’s WAY too tired. Then it’s just tears and frustration.

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