Home » Building a Better World » Snowflakes for Sandy Hook #26actsofkindness

Snowflakes for Sandy Hook #26actsofkindness

snowflakes for sandy hook

We had a wonderful turnout for our local snowflake-making session at the library this morning! It was a wonderful way for our community to heal, and I hope it will bring comfort to the Sandy Hook community as well. We have a wonderful collection of snowflakes to box up and send off! Here are some of them:

26actsofkindness snowflakes

Every single one is unique, and some were made at home and delivered to the library.


Some are small and simple:


Some are very ornate:


I loved watching people work. Happy children with no idea what had happened, serious adults, a group of friendly, helpful, and kind teenage girls who worked the entire time that I especially enjoyed watching. I hope my children grow up to be like them.


It’s such a simple thing – sheets of paper transformed to capture a fraction of the beauty of snowflakes.

This small creative act, done in kindness, brought hope and healing to our community. I hope it can do the same for the families of Sandy Hook.

And there is still time to do this yourself! The Connecticut PTA is taking snowflakes donations through January 12th. You can find the address and all of the details at the CT PTA website. They also have a button on their site to donate funds to Sandy Hook.

Update: Newtown now has all the snowflakes they need. They would love for you to display snowflakes in your own community to show solidarity, and you can still donate funds through the link above.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

17 thoughts on “Snowflakes for Sandy Hook #26actsofkindness”

  1. This is great that your library managed to pull it off without explaining to little ones what they are for. I don’t think they are ready for knowing about random acts of evil that keep taking innocent lives in our country. Snowflakes look beautiful!

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