Home » Thoughts on Childhood » Simple BOY Birthday Party: Batman

Simple BOY Birthday Party: Batman

Batman birthday party

As the only boy living in a household with three sisters, four-year-old Johnny is passionate about all things BOY, including superheroes. His adoration of Batman has extended to three-year-old Lily, who dressed up as Batman (not to be confused with Batgirl) for Halloween.

So, when I was given a chance to host a Batman Party right before my son’s fifth birthday, I knew I had to say yes!

Johnny spent DAYS admiring the party goodies – with help from his sidekick, Lily:

Batman party supplies

We sent off invitations, and on the day of the party, all of Johnny’s friends descended on our small house!

I find that the secret to successful BOY birthday parties is to have stations, instead of organized activities. We had superheroes, blocks, trains, play dough, and our gorgeous back yard. The kids played with the figurines on their own, incorporated them into block play, play dough play, and even into cupcake decorating – can you see Batman keeping watch below?

decorating cupcakes

This was the third time I’ve used cupcake decorating as an activity, and it is always a hit! We set everything up in Dixie cups – you can see the setup in my original cupcake decorating party post. This time I added frosting in cups, and the kids enjoyed that extra step – even if they got a bit creative with how they used the frosting. Johnny thought his finger worked better than the knife, and one kid added sprinkles to the frosting, ignoring the cupcake entirely!

They also enjoyed some superhero role play, outside. My goodness, little boys run FAST!

superhero play

It was freezing out there, but they didn’t care. I was so impressed with all the moms who bundled up and headed outside with them!

It was a very fun group of little boys – I was amazed that there was zero conflict over who got which Batman figurine, and they all remembered which one was theirs when it was time to go home.

BOY Birthday Party

We sent home very happy little boys with new Batman Power Attack figures – and we have one incredibly happy birthday boy here at home!

We had major camera issues (or, I should say, camera operator issues) on the day of the party, so I had to play around with our remaining figurines to get a decent photo (top of this post). I have to say, they are fun to pose!

I received a Batman Power Attack Party Kit from MommyParties sponsored by Mattel. All opinions are my own.


MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

27 thoughts on “Simple BOY Birthday Party: Batman”

  1. Wow – Johnny is turning 5 already??? Where did the time go? Love the party – it must have been fun for everyone!

  2. Happy Birthday Johnny! What a fun party – I love the cup cake decorating and I’m glad Lily also loves batman. I’m one of four – also three girls and one boy and I remember playing the superheroes save barbie-land games.

    1. cupcake decorating has become standard party fare at our house – it’s pretty simple to put together, and the kids LOVE it.

      That’s so cool that you came from a family with three girls and one boy. I’m number four in my family, and it was two girls, a boy, and then a girl – and then six more kids (boy-girl-boy-girl-boy-girl)!

  3. Tons of fun! So cute!

    Not only am I craft challenged, I’m also birthday party challenged! Kudos!

    (Happy late birthday!)

  4. I had to smile about your son being the only boy. My son is also the only boy with four sisters and he is always trying to assert his boyness on the girls. He has two sisters the same age and one is a tomboy, so, thank goodness, he has a partner in crime!! Your party looked fab!

  5. I love the shot of Johnny and Lily checking out the loot! Such a sweet sibling moment! My little guy loves Batman too and I am a huge fan of centers at birthday parties. That way everyone can play and have fun at their own speed without too much chaos. Birthday parties can be overwhelming for kids…and their moms sometimes! Looks like you did a great job!

    1. This was my first time trying centers/stations – but I think it’s going to become my standard birthday party set-up. The kids really enjoyed it.

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