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Sibling Crafting with Crafters Crate

Sibling crafting with Crafters Crate

Crafting is one of our favorite family activities, and this week the kids enjoyed trying out a Crafters Crate that we were sent to review. Recommended for ages 5-10 and with four activities per box, this crate was perfect for our four kids to explore (Anna thinks she is five).

I always enjoy watching my kids divide up projects. This crate came with a weaving kit, a sun print kit, a flip flop design kit (minus the flip flops), and a water bottle carrier (minus the water bottle). There was also a bonus S’more kit, that I may have eaten before handing the box over to the kids…

Making sun prints

Two-year-old Anna claimed the sun prints pack, which came with a fun printed overlay. I wasn’t sure how well she would do holding it in place (since she refused to set it on the table), but it turned out all right:

Sun prints

Lily got the water bottle carrier kit. She found it too challenging to sew the foam as instructed (and I agreed). Fortunately, she was perfectly happy sticking the stickers that came with her kit on the foam, and then cutting it up with a pair of our scissors.

Making a sensory bottle

Emma doesn’t own any flip flops to decorate, and she wasn’t interested in making a Hawaiian Lei. She was happy to put the things that were sent for both portions of the kit in an empty juice bottle to create a sensory bottle for Anna.

Weaving an ojo de dios

Johnnny really enjoyed the ojo de dios style weaving project that was in his kit, and this was my favorite part of the box. The yarn that was sent was very colorful and fun to use, and the project took a nice amount of time without becoming boring.

Ojo de dios weaving

Johnny’s finished project was the only one that we are likely to keep long-term, but all of the kids enjoyed their crafting, and it was a nice family afternoon. I think this is a subscription box that any crafty child would enjoy receiving in the mail, particularly crafty children with parents who don’t want to keep lots of craft materials lying around the house. I liked that each box contains four projects (plus a bonus treat). The included materials are both fun and very open-ended, so that if you don’t like the suggested project there is plenty of room to improvise with the materials.

What activities did your kids enjoy last week?

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Now it’s your turn to share activities your elementary school aged kids are enjoying! By linking up you give the linky hosts listed above permission to feature your post and to pin it to our After School Activities board on Pinterest. My kids head back to school tomorrow (how did summer fly by so quickly?!) so last week I was thrilled to see these fun back to school printables from 3 Dinosaurs, as well as these back to school chore charts from JDaniel4s Mom. Like many of my readers, I have a child starting kindergarten this fall, so I was also happy to see these first day of kindergarten books from Teaching Every Day.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

15 thoughts on “Sibling Crafting with Crafters Crate”

  1. The yarn art turned out beautifully. My son made something very similar last year at school in 3rd grade. I thought he said it was part of his Mexican art unit.

  2. Yeah, monthly crafts created just for us. Will have to check this one out MaryAnne. There was a similar service I came across at one time in the past, forgot the sight. Now I can continue to ration TV and get my little one crafting instead. She’s so active I am constantly struggling to keep her challenged. Thanks for a GREAT post!!

  3. Natalie PlanetSmartyPants

    I am glad that your kids managed to use everything that there was there even though it wasn’t always exactly what was expected!

  4. Elisa | blissfulE

    Wow! Johnny’s creation is so colourful. Very nice! And I love how Emma made a sensory activity for Anna.

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