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Seventh Birthday Party for a Boy


Johnny turned seven in December, and I really enjoyed planning his seventh birthday party! This party had a vague soccer theme, because Johnny enjoys playing soccer. He also enjoys basketball, but soccer is an easier theme to work with. Eight-year-old Emma made his birthday party sign. We have very simple and easy birthday parties, with an emphasis on enjoying time with friends and family.

balloons for decor and play

We looped alternating black and white balloons on the backs of chairs, looping the ties rather than tying them on properly. This made it easy for each child to pick a balloon to play with when they arrived.

ballon birthday party fun

The kids made up all sorts of different balloon games: how many counts can you keep your balloon up in the air, monkey in the middle balloon toss, and try to bounce your balloon off of the other person before their balloon bounces off you.

crown decorating station

We had a crown decorating station, because crowns are fun to decorate and wear. This has absolutely nothing to do with soccer, of course, but I keep my parties loosely themed so we can do what we want rather than tying everything into the theme. The kids wore their crowns, and then had their balloons wearing crowns as well!


We had mini cupcakes to decorate – something we have done at nearly every birthday party. I used my typical cupcake recipe and setup, but with 1/3 cup of oil instead of 1/2 cup of applesauce since we weren’t using muffin tin liners and I didn’t want to risk them sticking.


We kept a couple of mini cupcakes topping free (apart from frosting) so that there would be candles to blow out. I was so pleased to capture this action shot!

Duplos are for all ages

Don’t get rid of your DUPLO bricks when your kids start school! I pull ours out for birthday parties, and the kids ALWAYS love them. We had them out when Mike’s family came over after Thanksgiving, and his college-aged cousins built all sorts of cool things with them! My mom still has hers at home, and we often have DUPLO building towers when we go home to visit.

birthday cards from friends

We finished the day off with Johnny opening gifts and reading sweet cards from his friends. School has been rough for this kid this year, but he has the nicest friends a boy could ask for!

How do you celebrate birthdays?

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

17 thoughts on “Seventh Birthday Party for a Boy”

  1. Elisa | blissfulE

    What a great, fun, low-stress party!! :) I’m thinking about incorporating your balloon idea into Michael’s family celebration as he turnings seven in just a couple short weeks…

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