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Setting Monthly Goals for March 2022

Every month I decide on what I want to accomplish and think about what I want to focus on. Here are my monthly goals for March 2022.

Click here to read my February goals for 2022

2022 March monthly goals

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First, How Did February Go?

I didn’t make Color Me Hearts for Lily and Anna in February – time just got away – but overall I did well on my February goals.

The kids created some hilarious mad libs with this printable. Mike and I celebrated Valentine’s Day, and we all celebrated my daughter Emma’s 16th birthday (how do they grow up so fast?) My nine-year-old even made her this adorable dinosaur land.

I worked on the duffle bag, but made less progress than originally planned.

The Ukraine invasion at the end of the month threw everything for a loop. My family used to live in Ukraine (this post was written back in 2014, when the war that is now making headlines due to heretofore unseen levels of aggression from Putin first began).

We have dear family friends in Kyiv, and others who are now in Poland. My brother-in-law’s parents are Russian and still live in Moscow. They now struggle with sanctions, closed borders, and limited access to the internet and social media. They, along with other Russians we know (two of my brothers also lived in Russia for several years), are not happy about this new type of war Putin is waging.

It’s strange to compare our lovely, peaceful life here to what is going on. We go on ice skating, swimming, walking, playing, while their lives are turned upside down. We’ve donated money, which seems like the best way to help, right now at least. But it is a hard situation.

March 2022 Monthly Goals

Setting Monthly Goals for March

I have pretty basic goals for March:

  • Work on planning our trip to the UK this fall. We’ll be in Oxford, England from September through December, and possibly Edinburgh, Scotland before then. This is a trip that was supposed to happen back in 2020. I’m glad we’ll be able to make it work, even if it is more complicated with our kids being older. Focus: build
  • Enjoy extra time with the kids while Mike is on his first business trip since March of 2020. Focus: purpose
  • Sew – mainly that duffle bag. But I also have plans for a couple of seasonal tablecloths (St. Patrick’s Day and Easter). This is a new thing that I like to do. California doesn’t really have seasons, and I miss that a lot, even if snow is a pain to shovel and spring and fall can be awfully cold. It turns out that buying cotton and hemming it into tablecloths helps me feel like there are seasons. Focus: encourage (the tablecloths) and persist (I really want that bag done by April!
  • Blog. I’ve enjoyed making more time for this again after falling behind while teaching these past two years. Focus: work and habit
  • Organize and declutter. Not on a large scale, but there is room for progress here. Focus: habit and persist

What’s with the words in italics? Heal is my word of the year for 2022, but I’m using the six words the word of the year generator gave me before “heal” as focus words (habit, persist, purpose, work, encourage, build):

What are your goals for March 2022?

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MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

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