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Setting Goals for November 2018

Stay organized by setting goals every month. I love this approach to accomplishing more by setting realistic monthly goals.

Stay organized by setting goals every month. I love this approach to sustainable goal setting.

November is one of my favorite months of the year. I love the cooler weather, and it’s often a time to enjoy extended family. This month my kids and I are looking forward to lots of time with my parents and some of their cousins!

Setting Goals for November 2018

2018 has been a busy year in our family, and October was no exception. I did finish up a post featuring some of our favorite board books for babies. I also made Anna’s Halloween costume (a very simple bird costume), and shared our top strategies for managing screen time for kids. Decluttering DID happen, and our house is the cleanest it’s been since we moved in, nearly a year ago. My October goals were ambitious, and the rest of them simply didn’t happen.

Ironically, I got a bit ahead with my November goals, while procrastinating my October goals. I love buying Christmas presents in advance so we can just relax and enjoy my favorite holiday. All of the kids’ presents are purchased, and many of them are wrapped. I’m hoping this will make for an exceptionally enjoyable Christmas.

setting goals for November of 2018

I’m keeping my November goals much simpler:

  • Enjoy time with family. I get to see two of my brothers this weekend, and the kids and I are spending Thanksgiving with my parents in Florida (Mike is, sadly, staying here to work and but will celebrate Thanksgiving with some relatives of his who live near us).
  • Write a collaborative novel with my 12-year-old daughter for Nanowrimo
  • Continue to declutter and organize the house.

Now that is a list that actually seems doable! What are your goals for November 2018? Share goals on my Facebook page, or tag me on Instagram. 

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

1 thought on “Setting Goals for November 2018”

  1. That’s a cool idea to write a collaborative novel with your daughter. That’s fun.
    I forgot to comment on your last post, but that reading program looks really cool.

    When we went to Universal Studios I bought a lot of Christmas presents….

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