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Setting Goals for June 2018

Are you setting goals for June 2018? I love setting monthly goals to stay organized and focus on what matters the most.

Are you setting goals for June 2018? I love setting monthly goals to stay organized and focus on what matters the most.

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May is over and my four kids are all officially done with the school year! We have 18 days to pack and organize the house, and then we are flying to Scotland for a month, just like we did in 2016. This year we have a few days in London at the end of the trip, so if you have any recommendations of what we should see and do there, please let me know.

May Goals Report Back

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I thought I wasn’t doing that well with May goals, but looking back I actually did all right! We loved our time with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. My aunt taught the kids how to use a drop spindle, and my uncle taught the kids some new math tricks. We loved my cousin’s violin music (she’s also a physicist). LEGOLAND was amazing, and we loved staying in the new Legoland Castle Hotel.

Our Scotland-plus-England trip is mostly planned. We booked our Airbnb apartments for the trip. I joined Historic Scotland so the kids and I can visit the castle as often as we like, along with other historical buildings in the area. Just like last time, this will mostly be me and the kids exploring on our own while Mike is off with students. Even in England he will mostly be in meetings, although he’s coming along for the Harry Potter studio tour.

I finished Anna’s dress, and she’s worn it quite a bit! Definitely a win.

I didn’t take photos with my DSLR camera as much as I wanted to. I did take tons of photos on my phone.

April was unusually cold for California, so we swam less than we might have otherwise. We did use and enjoy the neighborhood pool, though!

Setting Goals for June 2018

Here’s what I’m hoping to get done this month:

  • Help my kids run a one-week kindness camp (partially inspired by the Kindness Elves Camp they loved so much last summer) for local 3-7-year-olds.
  • Organize and clean the house so it’s ready for the people who are staying here (and looking after our dog) in our absence.
  • Get packed for our trip.
  • Make the most of the first half of our time in Scotland.
  • Take a lot of pictures.
  • Help the kids do something nice for Mike for Father’s Day. Father’s Day is ALWAYS graduation day for our local university, and therefore ALWAYS a work day for Mike. So we have to get creative to make time to celebrate.
  • Celebrate our 17th (!) wedding anniversary.
  • (Hopefully) write and blog more in June than I did in May! We’ll see how it goes with all the other plans, though.

Are you setting goals for June 2018? My friend Cassie is taking a month for family, although it looks like she has some fun blog and printable plans as well.. Share your goals in the comments below, or share a post link on my Facebook page! You can also tag me on instagram

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

5 thoughts on “Setting Goals for June 2018”

  1. natalie planetsmartypants

    We also have a wedding anniversary in June (our 12th)! Sounds like you have a great month ahead.

  2. April was really cold here too, even having a day where it went below freezing, which is unheard of here.

    I love her dress. It looks so cute.

  3. We are doing wedding anniversary too! Ours will be 21 years. I hope that you have a great trip. I can’t wait to see your pictures. You always take the best ones!

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