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September 2012 Goals!

older siblings with a new baby

August flew by in our house! We are all enjoying getting to know Baby Anna! Anna isn’t quite as enthusiastic about being held by her siblings as her siblings are about holding her, but we have discovered that my nursing pillow makes an excellent support device to help young children safely hold a baby – under close supervision, of course!

getting acquainted with our newborn: father and daughterenjoying life with a newborn


Mike and I enjoy quiet bonding time with Anna once the kids are in bed.

Everyone has been enjoying time outside – we’ve had several days of gorgeous, cooler weather. Emma managed to track down the white glue (I didn’t hide it very well), but I’ve let it slide since she has moved (most of) her messy crafting outdoors.

making the most of the last days of summer

Anna really enjoys spending time outside, and she thinks grass is pretty interesting stuff!


I can’t believe my baby is nearly one month old! This first month with Anna is truly flying by. She continues to be a delightfully mellow baby, although she is getting more vocal about expressing her opinions!

My goals for August were very simple – to enjoy our new baby and visiting family! It was very easy to do both!

I’ll keep September goals simple, too:

  • Get the kids settled in school. Target Area: education
  • Declutter and organize the house – specifically, go through the kids’ clothes and toys. Target Area: health and peace
  • Work on helping my kids see how they can help others. I have a few projects in mind that I’ll elaborate on soon! Target Area: gratitude
  • Come up with a fun activity for the Virtual Book Club for Kids – Lois Ehlert is the author this month! Do you have a favorite Lois Ehlert book? We got several from the library yesterday to read. Target Area: education

Want to join the Virtual Book Club? It’s easy:

  • Comment below and let us know that you are joining in!
  • Pick your favorite book by that month’s author (or a new one you want to check out) and read it with your child or class.
  • Create an activity, project, craft, cooking project, etc. related to the book and do it.
  • Come back and share it with us as part of a big blog hop on the third Monday of the month. The linky will be live for 3 weeks, so if you aren’t ready to post on the exact date… just join in when you can!

Here are some of the blogs already participating:




monthly goals at mama smiles

How was August in your house? What are you hoping to accomplish in September?

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

16 thoughts on “September 2012 Goals!”

  1. Great photo capturing your bigger kids’ enthusiasm and Anna’s reaction! :)

    I completely forgot about goals… there is so much going on at my house right now!!!

    1. There must be, with a new person living there! I don’t think you need goals for September with that big, exciting change!

  2. The first picture is priceless! You have a lot of plans for September. I plan to join VBC on Louis Ehlert – she is one of our favorite illustrators.

  3. I still enjoy reading your goals post each month! I’ve also enjoyed connecting with you on Instagram the last few weeks!

    One of my most favorite times of the day with Jesse was after the older kids were in bed and Jamie and I would hang out with him, just the three of us. We enjoyed that so much.

    Enjoy Anna’s first year! Bet it will pass way faster than any time has thus far. Funny how that happens.

    Good luck getting the kids all back to school this month. I hope it goes well for everyone and they have fun in their new classes.

  4. Great post! Just love the photo of baby Anna (love the name) – looks like she is trying to explore the grass with her sense of choice ; ) & We love Lois Ehlert and will definitely join in the book club!

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