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Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum Recommendations

Everything you need for an incredible 2nd grade homeschool year. Art, English, Science, Math, History second grade homeschool curriculum recommendations, including free and low cost options.

Everything you need for an incredible 2nd grade homeschool year. Art, English, Science, Math, History second grade homeschool curriculum recommendations, including free and low cost options. #homeschool #homeschoolcurriculum #schoolathome #homeducation

Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum for Every Subject

Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum: Art

Children this age thrive when they are offered art supplies. Make a home maker space and set them free to create.

6- and 7-year-olds are often ready to try their hand at hand sewing. We’ve got a list of fun beginner hand sewing projects designed to appeal to both boys and girls.

A child who really loves art may enjoy KiwiCo’s Doodle Crate. It’s designed for ages 9 and up, but I’ve had younger children enjoy using it, especially if I step in to help from when needed.

Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum: English

I love second grade English! Children this age are relatively fluent in their ability to understand and produce language. They are getting better and better at communicating their own ideas and understanding the ideas of others.

Second Grade Reading

Second graders develop their ability to read and comprehend main ideas. They learn to retell a story, including main ideas, details about characters, setting, and events. You can develop these skills with any book you like by talking to your child about what they read. Ask questions as you read aloud, and ask them to tell you about the books they read. You can pair these conversations with book reports. I don’t consider a reading comprehension workbook necessary, but there are plenty to choose from if you want a workbook.

Second Grade Writing Curriculum

Second graders are learning how to write in complete, correctly punctuated sentences. They learn to use capital letters correctly, and they understand and use contractions (isn’t = is not, they’re = they are, he’s = he is).

Children this age learn to write stories with a beginning, middle, and end. They learn to research a topic in a non-fiction book. They can write from a first person or a third person point of view, and they understand the difference.

Second graders are ready to start editing their own work, finding and correcting spelling and punctuation errors.

They learn most of these things by writing, writing, and writing! It’s important to let second graders do some writing that doesn’t need to be perfect. Journals are wonderful for this type of writing. Save editing for big writing projects.

I don’t really consider a writing workbook necessary in second grade, but once again there are several options to choose from.

It is really important for second graders to learn how to find interesting books that they are ready to read! Make as many trips to the library as you can so that they can practice this skill. Bring home a mix of books you want them to read and books they want to read – even when the books they choose seem too easy or too hard.

homeschooling 2nd

Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum: Social Studies

What second graders learn in social studies can vary quite a bit by school district. You’ll notice this in the different social studies workbook options for second grade. In general, they learn about their community, regions in their country, and the world’s continents and oceans.

Second grade is an excellent time for your child to learn how to locate your home on a world map, as well as a globe. Find appropriate news stories – both local and international – that you can share and discuss with your child.

Use the Draw the World book to teach your child the continents and oceans of our world.

Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum: Math

My all-time favorite math curriculum starts in 2nd grade! The Art of Problem Solving’s Beast Academy series teaches children to think like real mathematicians. The lessons are highly engaging, and presented as graphic novels.

I recommend using the books rather than the online version, because there is evidence that children learn better with pencil and paper.

Page A Day Math is an add on rather than an actual curriculum, but it is fantastic for teaching math facts.

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Second Grade Homeschool Curriculum: Science

Like social studies, second grade science varies by school district and state. In general, second grade science is earth science and biology based. Students learn how to make predictions and find patterns in nature.

Bookshark is my top pick if you want to use a full science curriculum.

The most important thing here is teaching your child that science is creative, fun, and fascinating. Offer your child hands on opportunities to grow plants, inspect rocks, and experiment with the world around them.

Search out the nature’s camouflage. Experiment with plants and sunlight. Make the most of opportunities to explore tide pools and other local natural wonders. Teach your child to fill out an animal observation log. Fill your home with books that teach children to admire their world.

Second grade homeschool

Homeschool Curriculum Recommendations for Other Grades

Are you homeschooling several different ages? Here are some of my other homeschool curriculum recommendations:

Do you have any second grade homeschool curriculum recommendations to add to this list? Please let me know!

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MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

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