Mike with 1yo Emma and his Grandma
Mike’s Grandma passed away Friday morning (his dad’s mother, not his mom’s mother who just visited us). She had been fighting cancer for quite some time, so it wasn’t a big surprise, but saying goodbye to loved ones is never easy.
Mike’s Grandma was quite the lady. She raised seven children and moved all over the world – from Hawaii to Lebanon, Jordan, Malta, and California, before finally retiring near several of her children in Oregon. She was one of those women who could do anything and everything. When Mike and I moved to the UK for grad school, she wrote and asked if I was making Thanksgiving dinner. I replied that we had decided not to, because we had a miniscule oven and I didn’t want to deal with it. She responded with a story about a Thanksgiving dinner she cooked on a boat – by chopping the turkey in half and having a friend cook the other half on their boat! Some UK friends wound up cooking us a very British interpretation of Thanksgiving dinner that year, in a gesture of friendship I will never forget – and I will never forget Grandma’s boat Thanksgiving dinner, either!
I actually met Grandma when I went to her home for Thanksgiving dinner freshman year of college, and I enjoyed several subsequent Thanksgivings in her home. One year she secretly wrote to my sister asking for embarrassing childhood photos of me so she could pick one as my place card at the table. Grandma procured such an awkward photo that I couldn’t figure out which photo was mine at the table! Grandma would be proud of me this year – I made the Thanksgiving turkey, gravy, yams, mashed potatoes, green beans, and pumpkin pie all by myself!
I send out letters to my family every week, and Grandma wrote back to nearly every one. I will miss hearing from her, and I am sad that she didn’t get to meet Johnny or Lily. She wrote a wonderful life history, which she had bound and sent to each of her great-grandchildren. I’m excited to read it to them once they are a little older – it’s story of adventure, family, and a truly indomitable spirit.
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
I am truly sorry for this loss Mary Anne. She sounds like she was very, very special and I know she will be missed, but what a wonderful blessing to have her life history to read.
I hope you, Mike and the kids are dealing with this as well as can be expected and it is so sweet of you to have written her (and the rest of your family) weekly as you mentioned. You too are a special person.
.-= Susana´s last blog ..Happy Thanksgiving! =-.
What an amazing woman! And I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this.
My thoughts are with you.
.-= Ticia´s last blog ..A great way to spend an icky morning =-.
She sounds like a wonderful woman – may she rest in peace. How nice that you have her life history to read to your kids when they are older.
.-= Natalie´s last blog ..What My Child Is Reading – November 27- 2010 =-.
What a wonderful tribute to a remarkable lady! How fitting that she enjoyed one last Thanksgiving before passing on. It was clearly a holiday that held a special meaning for her, and through her even more so for you.
My thoughts are with you and Mike and all your family during this time.
.-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..day after Thanksgiving =-.
Grandmas are so special. Sad news, but such a lovely legacy, no?
.-= stephanie´s last blog ..just three little things =-.
I’m so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful woman. Love the boat story.
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..Links I Like- Advent Edition =-.
I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like quite the lady who made an impact on others. I love that she write her life history and had it bound. What a special thing to pass on. May you be comforted during this time of loss.
.-= Jen´s last blog ..Chili In The Crock =-.
I’m sorry for your loss. She sounds like one great woman.
.-= Christy´s last blog ..A Zooberific Thanksgiving =-.