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Review and WW Giveaway: Cameras for Kids

This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations, Jenny!


John Crippen’s book, Cameras for Kids: Fun and Inexpensive Projects for the Little Photographer, is full of information for a budding photographer. The book explains common camera settings and basic lighting and composition. It includes ten projects for photographers to practice their skills on, as well as five photo craft ideas. The book is written using simple language, and I do think kids as young as seven (the lower end of the suggested age range) will enjoy the book. It is clearly organized, and I consider the range of information projects  diverse enough for any child photographer to learn from the book. I do wish the book had been edited more carefully; it included a number of typos and switched between addressing parents and children, sometimes without clear reasons for the change. I recommend the book to anyone who can overlook these flaws.

I was provided a copy of this book to review, as well as a second copy for a giveaway. This is a worldwide giveaway; anyone with a valid postal and email address can enter. Just leave me a comment sharing your favorite photography tip, or something you learned from the Cameras for Kids website. You can also get entries for following this blog, and for subscribing by email. Just leave a separate comment for each one, and make sure that your comments include a valid email address so that I can contact you if you win. I will accept entries until 9am EDT May 10th, when a winner will be chosen using random.org.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

15 thoughts on “Review and WW Giveaway: Cameras for Kids”

  1. I just subscribed to your rss feed (does that count as following your blog?) :)
    .-= Megan´s last blog ..Last Day to Enter =-.

  2. The best photography tip I ever got was this: get close to your subject, esp when you are taking pics of kids. Makes for great pics!
    .-= Megan ´s last blog ..Last Day to Enter =-.

  3. Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog

    Oh, wow! Emily would love to have a book like this! My favorite tip is to pay close attention to lighting — especially for close ups. Plenty of natural light makes a HUGE difference in how a photo turns out.

    valerie (at) frugalfamilyfunblog (dot) com
    .-= Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog´s last blog ..Sunday Snapshot — Happy 30th Birthday, Sesame Place! =-.

  4. I think I need the camera! I like how they explain the camera mode for getting that perfect shot and explaining the icons.

  5. Elisa | blissfulE

    I liked the tip on their website suggesting substituting a large beanbag for a tripod – what a great kid-friendly idea!
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..beginning chores =-.

  6. I follow you via google friend connect.
    .-= Teresa´s last blog ..Trying It Tuesday =-.

  7. I learned the the morning light is the best and if you’re photgraphing children they are at their best in the morning also.

    We planned on using photography as a 6 week study during our next homeschool year. I was very excited about this giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

  8. Great giveaway! Both my daughter and nephew would enjoy this book. Once I got my new DSLR, I let Abby use our Sony Cybershot. She loves taking pics, but is more interested in making movies on it. They are hilarious!

    My tip would be to find a camera you are comfortable with your child using and let them figure out how it works. Abby can’t read, but has been able to figure out what most of the buttons on the camera are for.
    .-= Jenny´s last blog ..Links I Like: 13th Edition =-.

  9. My tip is to fill your frame–get up close to your subject. My kids love to take pix but they are 3, 5, and 7 so haven’t bought them their own cameras. Instead, I get the cheap disposable cameras and they love it!

  10. My son LOVES taking pictures which blesses my heart so much! I don’t know if this is so much a tip as it is a preference but I love close up photos so I would say never to be afraid to get in there as close as your camera will focus. And take lots of photos experimenting with what you think looks good. Everyone has a different eye which is part of the creativeness of photography!
    .-= Jen´s last blog ..Change A Child’s Life In Ethiopia Forever… =-.

  11. what an awesome giveaway! I liked their page on camera selection for kids. Those are just some practical things when choosing a camera for a child, that a lot of us might overlook.
    .-= letti´s last blog ..Sunday Dinner =-.

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