Home » Children's Activity » Rainy Day Fun for Kids: ALEX Toys Tape Town

Rainy Day Fun for Kids: ALEX Toys Tape Town


I love blogging for ALEX Toys, because it means I get wonderful craft activities that make for rainy day fun for my kids! This Tape Town kit was a wonderful creative outlet for my kids. They spent well over an hour setting up, and they have played with it several times since they first built it.


They thoroughly enjoyed planning out the perfect town, with houses, trees, businesses, schools, and stores! They were especially pleased to find traffic sign and flower stickers in the kit!


I loved that this was a 100% kid-oriented kit – no adult supervision or help was needed for them to build it! The tape sticks nicely for the purposes of the kit, but it will peel off of floors or clothing without any trouble. Perfect for a gloomy day at the end of the week when one of the kids was not feeling great due to just barely getting over strep throat! I loved that it kept my three-year-old, five-year-old, and seven-year-old fully engaged in quiet play together!


This little pond (made out of blue tape – the fish and boats are stickers that come with the kit) is my favorite feature of the town! The tape tearing and sticker and tape placement is great fine motor skill practice for kids!

My kids insisted on taping the houses down individually, but if you don’t tape them you can move them around and set them up differently each time. The tape is pretty low tack, so they could probably carefully move their houses even taped down.


The best kids crafts double as accessories or toys. This one makes a great pretend play toy when it’s finished! And it’s completely recyclable when it’s time to make room in the living room again!

Do you have a go-to rainy day activity for your kids? Is there a craft kit for kids that you absolutely love?



I received this kit from ALEX Toys. All opinions and ideas are my own.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

22 thoughts on “Rainy Day Fun for Kids: ALEX Toys Tape Town”

  1. I think I need to get this for my girls – they love playing with tape and I only give them plain old masking tape. This would be a whole new world!

  2. That looks reallllly fun! I like Alex stuff- it looks like the kids were pretty into their awesome tape town.

  3. It looks like great fun!

    For rainy day activities, Ava does Barbies. Dresses them up, dresses them down…

    Hadyn builds things. He’s our builder on and off line. He loves to set up the train tracks, and play with the legos and make fun stuff.

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