This rice heat pack is super simple to make. Slice off a section of the legs of an old pair of jeans, stitch the top and the bottom (leave an opening in one end), fill with rice, and top-stitch to prevent spillage of rice. You can easily make one that is roughly the size of a hot water bottle, and I find that the rice version stays warm a lot longer – and smells pleasantly of freshly-cooked rice! Flannel is a prettier alternative, and plain old quilting cotton works as well. My kids think this makes a nice pillow. I think they’re a little quirky.
On a smaller scale, I love these hand warmers from Frugal Family Fun Blog – and these cute Valentine-themed hand warmers from Stitch/Craft.
Oh, and these make awesome ice packs, too. Rice in a Ziploc bag is great no-sew version (not microwave-safe, mind!)
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
use whole field corn it smell great.
Lovely idea! I do want to sew more with Anna this year – it could be one of those first projects.
What a great way to re-purpose old jeans!
LOL about quirky kids. :) I have some, too! Great quick project, and so useful! I love that it can work cold, too.
I wanted to make myself one of these a while ago but we don’t have a microwave and I don’t really know what would happen if I heated it in the over. Will that work?
I think it would work, so long as you set the oven low.