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Quick Easter Craft for Kids

This sensory chick and egg Easter craft offers lots of opportunities for cute little customizations.

easter cards for kids

Our library set out a bunch of craft and collage materials, and my kids went to town! I especially love Emma’s little Easter cards, which I didn’t see any other kids making. My favorite is her fuzzy little chick (complete with a yellow pom pom) and the egg she cut in half to have it cracked open.

4-year-old Easter collage

Johnny collected his Easter characters underneath an Easter rainbow, while Lily’s collage was a little more abstract:

2-year-old Easter collage

I can’t imagine an Easter craft my kids would have enjoyed more – simple materials, and lots of room for them to express their own, individual creativity!

More Easter Crafts and Activities

Fun crafts and activities for celebrating Easter. Plus a fun way to make use of all that candy!

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MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

11 thoughts on “Quick Easter Craft for Kids”

  1. Sometimes simple is best. We love our library programs too. Unfortunately, the timing doesn’t work for us lately to attend them.

  2. My kids always like things like this too. We just have problems with them not throwing away the paper on the foam stickers afterwards.

  3. Those are too fun! My kids love that kind of stuff. I made my two little girls Easter dresses out of fabric with bunnies and chicks and they cut the fabric scraps and glued them to paper. Same basic idea and very cheap (cheep!)

  4. Elisa | blissfulE

    What a fun, simple craft! We did something similar when the children were each given a special Easter sticker at music class. We saved the stickers for home and the kids each drew their own thing, then stuck the sticker on as a finishing touch before sending them off to Grandma.

    Emma’s cut-open egg with fuzzy chick popping out is genius!

    1. What wonderful card to send off to Grandma!

      I thought the little fuzzy chick was very clever – and adorable :)

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