You may recognize this food from my restaurant play post a couple months ago. The food was printed from Filth Wizardry. My kids used our first set until it literally fell to shreds, so we made a second set this week, laminating it this time. I don’t have a laminator, but I bought a roll of laminate that works well for small projects like this. I’ve seen other bloggers use clear packing tape to produce a similar effect.
Both kids love their new laminated food. The food is pretty small, so we store it in an old yogurt container. Emma uses it with her play kitchen as well as with the restaurant play mat!
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
Love this idea! I just re-vamped Emily’s kitchen set, so love the idea of printing out play food too. Thanks!>>Valerie
What fun food! I also “invested” in a roll of contact-paper-type laminating thingy from the supermarket, of all places, recently. Much better value-for-money than either the heat-type laminating machines or the laminating sheets. More value for money for our family’s needs, anyway. Went over to visit Filthwizardry after reading your post. Fabulous line art, she does. (I told her, too). Thank you for all the great links and ideas!
What a cool idea. Thanks for the link. Maybe I’ll make these and that will give me more time to sew some felt play food. =)