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Play dough and googley eyes

googley-eyed play dough

Emma designed this play dough monster after asking for Play-Doh and googley eyes because she remembered using them together back in January. She put her minimalist tendencies aside, instead stuffing as many eyes as possible onto the play dough. Johnny was duly impressed:

Johnny admires googley-eyed play dough

They took turns taking eyes off, burying eyes in the play dough, putting eyes back on, and making their play dough monsters walk around. Pretend play at its best!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

14 thoughts on “Play dough and googley eyes”

  1. Before now I never considered mixing the two media (are googly eyes a media?) – but this is great! My daughter is sure to love this. Adding googly eyes will bring more life to her playdough creations! Thanks for the idea.
    .-= Megan Berry´s last blog ..Summertime Crochet =-.

  2. Love it! What is it about one million googly eyes confined in a small area? Oh, oh, suddenly remembered the mythological story of Argus the watcher with one hundred eyes that I’d been fascinated with as a child.

    Here is a link to it:


    Wish I had that story book still. It’s in dad’s house, miles away!
    .-= LiEr´s last blog ..Murphys Law =-.

    1. @LiEr – I remember Argos, but only vaguely. Must not have been told as magically in my storybook =)

      My mom had a storybook growing up about dolls coming to life that I ADORED. It got lost somewhere along the dozens of moves, but I’ve always wanted to find that story again. There’s another storybook of hers I want – it’s a collection of animal stories, and one of the stories is about pussywillow buds that come to life as tiny little fairy kittens. I actually fussed enough about that story that she brought me a photocopy of the story to keep when Lily was born!

  3. I just love Johnny’s expression in the second picture :) This monster looks lovely!
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..StArt – Angelina of Italy =-.

  4. oooh i love this! play dough and googly eyes… my kids would really enjoy this
    .-= nadia´s last blog ..Delicious Milk Tart – Anyone =-.

  5. Elisa | blissfulE

    I had to grin as soon as I saw Emma’s monster. So much fun!!! I think I’m as impressed as Johnny was! :)
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..Ben’s rich and creamy cheesecake =-.

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