Turn plastic Easter eggs into bunnies – or aliens, if it’s after Easter! Kids love this easy and fun craft. You might also enjoy making our crayon shaving eggs.

My brilliant sister Catherine posted these plastic Easter egg bunnies that she came up with on Facebook. I loved the idea, so she offered to photograph the steps so I could share it with you. They are so cute! You could also draw alien faces on them for older kids – or, better yet, let the older kids draw the faces themselves! All of our plastic Easter eggs are currently being used as egg shakers (and, actually, they are hole-free Easter eggs, come to think of it), but my kids are going to an Easter egg hunt this weekend, so we will do this with the candy and eggs that I am sure they will bring home.
How to Make Bunny Easter Eggs

This is a very easy craft – all you need are miniature tootsie roll pops (or similar lollipops), plastic Easter eggs
, and a Sharpie pen
. You do want to make sure that your eggs are the (cheap) kind that comes with two holes in the top. Catherine got hers at Target – 48 for $2. Not bad! I imagine that you can find the lollipops there, too.

Stick a lollipop through each hole. Make sure you pick lollipops that have stems and tops that are small enough to fit.

They will probably fit best if you cross the stems, like this:

Close your egg, and add the face.

I think older kids would enjoy decorating these as aliens – so much room for creativity!

Do you have a favorite Easter craft? How about a non-Easter craft that uses plastic eggs, since I suspect that many of us will have many of those hanging around after this weekend? I am always looking for fun ideas, and I love that Megan of Coffee Cups and Crayons’ kids used them as mini planting pots!
More Easter Crafts and Activities
Fun crafts and activities for celebrating Easter. Plus a fun way to make use of all that candy!
Crayon Shaving Eggs
Crayon shaving eggs are easy to make and visually stunning works of Easter art. Learn how to make them – for yourself, or with the kids.
How to Dye Eggs with Red Cabbage
Super Simple Easter Eggs
A super simple, child-friendly way to decorate Easter eggs - also using crayons!
Fancy DIY Egg Shakers to Make with Kids
These DIY shaker eggs are easy to make and help kids explore rhythm and sound. They are great hands-on music accessories for preschoolers!
Instant Pot Hard Boiled Eggs - Easy to Peel!
My perfect hard boiled egg technique, adapted for instant pot use. This is the only way we make hard boiled eggs, now!
How to Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs that Peel Easily
Hard boiled eggs are a healthy snack for kids all year round. This is our favorite method for making perfect hard boiled eggs that are easy to peel – every time.
Simple Easter Craft
Simple foam eggs for kids to decorate and hang on the wall leading up to Easter. This works well as a party activity.
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MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
Adorable and so easy to do! Love your idea!
These are adorable!!
As always another winner! Just in time for the big day tomorrow, thank you.your a life saver cause I have no ideas .lol
Such a great idea! I love it!
Aren’t they great? I bet your kids would make some very cute bunnies – and funny aliens!
Super cute!
Aren’t they clever? My sister was so nice to take pictures for this post!
This is a very cute and easy idea for an egg hunt!
They are perfect for an egg hunt!
These are simply brilliant!!
My sister is pretty brilliant :)
Super cute! I’ve never seen eggs with two holes before – I wonder if they were designed exactly for this purpose :D
They certainly work well ;-)
How cute :) I was wondering how you got those sticks on there. I’m sure if the makers of these eggs saw these they’d be pretty pleased their holes were put to good use lol.
Now I’m curious if mine have the 2 little holes or not…..
These bunnies are super cute!
Very cute! Perfect use for those holey eggs. :)
so cute and fun! craftiness runs in your family!
I LOVE these!!!!! We are totally making them! Thank your sister!!!
I will! Catherine is awesome!
This is so cute! Creative ideas must run in your family! :)
They are really cute – I need to get some plastic eggs to make these for next year
It’s such an easy and simple idea!
Thanks for blogging this! They would be very cute with alien faces.
Thanks for the idea and pictures, Catherine! I think we’ll make some aliens after Easter :)