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Rainbow Fish Paper Plate Fish Craft

Simple paper plate fish craft to go along with the book "Rainbow Fish" by Marcus Pfister

Johnny made this cute paper plate fish craft at preschool after reading the book Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister, and I had to share! The book is lovely, too. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend finding a copy!

Rainbow Fish Paper Plate Fish Craft for Kids


This is a very quick and easy craft! The tail is the triangle that was cut out for the mouth, with a googly eye and scales made from aluminum foil and tissue paper for decoration. Simple, cute, and fun – just the way I like structured crafts.

Preschool is finally out for the summer, and we’re making the most of long days interrupted only by the occasional gymnastics class. I even enrolled Lily in Mommy & Me classes for the summer! She has been begging to participate for months, and the staff at our gym kindly offered to let Emma and Johnny hang out with their summer camp kids during Lily’s classes – an offer I absolutely could not refuse!!!

More fun Picture Book Activities for Kids

Here are more fun book-themed activities that my kids have loved. I bet your kids will love them, too!

Do you have a favorite book-themed activity to share? Or maybe a favorite picture book that I need to make sure that I read with my kids? Please drop by my Facebook page and let me know!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

15 thoughts on “Rainbow Fish Paper Plate Fish Craft”

  1. This is one of the cutest Rainbow Fish crafts I’ve seen. I am sure Lily will love her Mommy & Me class.

  2. This is such a great idea! I am always looking for new activities to keep my daughter entertained. She will love this.

    I really enjoy your blog and would love to award you with the Versatile Blogger Award.To read more about it, go to http://wp.me/p1x6sz-s .

    Have a great day.

  3. So simple and fun. I love the end result, what a sweet fish to have.

    Maryanne, your wedding dress post was such a joy to read. You are one clever, resourceful lady. You looked beautiful on your wedding day. One day Emma or Lily might walk down the aisle in your gorgeous dress.

  4. I love the fish craft; thank you for sharing the idea!
    I bet Lily will adore having you all to herself in the class!

  5. Elisa | blissfulE

    Cute!!! Swim swim swim…

    The effort of having reasonably well-behaved kids pays off in the extra opportunities those kids get offered. I’m sure all three of your kids will enjoy their summer gym fun. :)

  6. Did they read the Rainbow Fish to go along with this activity? Looks very similar to the fish in the book! =)

    1. Not that I know of, but you’re right, it does! We’ll have to borrow that book from the library again!

    1. It’s a good thing, too, because I have a hard time getting the more complex ones organized!

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