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Fun and Free Owl Themed Learning Activities for Kids

Learn numbers, letters, colors, science, and more with these fun, free owl themed learning activities for kids.

Learn numbers, letters, colors, science, and more with these fun, free owl themed learning activities for kids. Pair with an Martin Waddell's "Owl Babies".

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Martin Waddell’s picture book, Owl Babies, is one of our all-time family favorites. This timeless tale of three baby owls anxiously waiting for their mother to come home reminds me of how my own young children feel when I am gone. I was thrilled to hear it had been chosen as this week’s virtual book club pick. This book is very popular and should be in most libraries, but In My Tree is an adorable alternative book pick for this week’s theme. My kids helped me put together a fun printable to practice colors, and we are excited to try all the fun owl themed learning activities my co-hosts have come up with.

Learning Colors With Owls
Fun and free owl themed learning activities for preschoolers

I created this very simple color matching printable activity. Just click on the image above to download the PDF. Your child can draw lines to match the owls with their nests. If you want the activity to last a bit longer, you can paint – with matching paint colors. My four-year-old love this watercolor set. You could also glue on pieces of colored yarn.

More Fun and Free Owl Themed Learning Activities for Kids

My co-hosts have a wealth of wonderful owl-themed learning activities for you to enjoy with your kids this week! Here they are, sorted by category. I’ve added a couple of activities that my family has enjoyed that didn’t make it into any of the co-host posts this week.








Learning Shapes with Owls

Do you have an owl themed learning activity we should try? Come share a post on my Facebook page, or tag me on Instagram.

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

10 thoughts on “Fun and Free Owl Themed Learning Activities for Kids”

  1. I’m thinking cut the owls out and glue them on the nests. But that may be my dislike of the drawing lines to connect them because my kids never draw straight lines, but loop de loops and it turns into a big guessing game.

  2. Natalie PlanetSmartyPants

    We loved this book too! There is something about owls that appeal to all kids, I think!

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