Home » Children's Activity » Outside!


running up the street The sun came out after a morning of rain, and we were all thrilled to go outside!

playing in water some more

There has been so much rain this summer and fall that water continued to run down the street an hour after it stopped raining. The ground is simply too wet to absorb it.

playing in water

The kids had a blast playing in the water as it ran down the street!

Lily running

Running outside!

johnny running

Sunshine, water, and exercise – under the shade of stunning fall leaves! What more could we ask for?!

Emma running

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

10 thoughts on “Outside!”

  1. Wish you could send some of that rain this way! Actually we’ve had rain now but this summer, nothing. It was the worst drought in quite a while. We are still recovering.

    Love your photos of your kids playing after the rain. Such a great time to be outside!

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