My kids loved playing with this felt pizza I threw together during a rainy day last week. The fuzziness of the photo is a combination of my always-shaky hands and the dull weather. I cut out circles for the crust and sauce and a variety of shapes for toppings. I doubt it will last as long as our always-popular pumpkin pie, but it was an easy way to brighten an otherwise gloomy day. In fact, it was so popular that I added some eggs:
I considered sewing or gluing the egg yolks to the egg whites, but decided not to. They stay together pretty well anyway, and this way the kids have the option of separating them out for “baking” purposes.
Then I cut up some yarn to make spaghetti, which is being fried because bears took up residence in the pan.
Incidentally, those pans are proper kitchen ones. I was looking into buying some nice (non-plastic) play pots and pans, but Mike pointed out that they cost more than the real thing. The kitchen was a $15 find at a yard sale a couple years ago.
As for Johnny’s sticker, let’s just say he won’t be going to JoAnn Fabrics again any time soon…
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
My girls love their felt food – I never thought of making it myself but now I know what to do when they lose or destroy some of their pieces! Thank you!
If you have the patience, I also have patterns you can use to sew bread: and pumpkin pie: :)
cute! love the pizza!
This is such a great idea. How do you keep your scissors sharp after cutting the felt? I always have a hard time cutting it.
.-= Tracye´s last blog ..Cavan’s First Boat Ride… I Think =-.
@Tracye – I use fabric scissors like these. Felt is nearly impossible to cut with regular scissors…
What an awesome idea – even I can manage it. I think Anna might get some felt pizza after I come back :)
.-= Natalie´s last blog ..Week in Review – June 18, 2010 =-.
The yarn spaghetti is adorable. :-)
This is something even I can do with felt:-)! This is a great idea, thank you!
.-= susana´s last blog ..the BEST PIZZA ever, really! =-.
IKEA has a great set of (real) small saucepans for $10 – three pans with lids, if I remember correctly. Could work well for the kids’ kitchen if you want a dedicated set for them.
I love that pizza, and how simple it is to just cut some shapes out of felt. The no-sewing part is the best! M has been sick this week and whining about being bored. I think I’ll whip up something similar for him tomorrow – he’ll love it!
I’m really curious about what happened at the fabric store too! :) Something definitely worth blogging about, I think. ;)
.-= Nicole´s last blog ..Do Simplicity, Focus, and Recollection Characterize your life? =-.
I like the pizza! Simple and fun! But you have me so curious as to what happened at the fabric store.
.-= MamaRuck´s last blog ..Mud, Mud, Wonderful Mud =-.
What a great pizza! And I do hope the bears are OK!
I love it how they can separate the yolks and whites for ‘baking.’
Whenever I open my kitchen drawer to extract a saucepan, it’s a 50-50 chance of finding some balls in there that Michael ‘cooked’ recently.
.-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..making even more tracks =-.
Great idea on using real pots, and the simple felt shapes are very cute! I have to admit my son plays as much with the simple circles I cut out felt for “pancakes” and “bagels” as he does with the fancy sewn felt food I’ve made. I like the idea of keeping the yolks/whites separate, since he doesn’t like the yolks and always gives them to my husband anyway!
It’s dangerous to take my kids as well……..
Super cute food.
.-= Ticia´s last blog ..Guest post is up! =-.
Isn’t it funny how kid’s toys are more expensive than the real thing? I got that Plan Toys toaster and realized it cost twice as much as our real toaster!
.-= Amber Liddle´s last blog ..Church Rummage Sale =-.