Finding a complete language arts curriculum can be a challenge. We love the Mosdos homeschool language arts curriculum for its thorough curriculum, interesting stories, and detailed lesson plans.
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Mosdos Ruby Fourth Grade Language Arts Curriculum Review
What You'll Find on This Page
Language arts is one of my personal challenges as a homeschooling mom. Last year I had curriculum I was happy with for both girls for every subject except Language Arts. So when Timberdoodle asked if I wanted to review their new Mosdos Ruby Language Arts Curriculum I was happy to agree!Â
Note: We received this curriculum to review, but no other compensation.
What Did We Like About the Mosdos Ruby Fourth Grade Language Arts Curriculum?

Language Arts Curriculum Win #1: Fun Graphics
My fourth grader is a not a huge fan of writing, so the visual organizers in the Ruby curriculum are a HUGE win for us! It’s amazing the difference that a fun layout can make in helping my nine-year-old conquer her fear of writing.
This curriculum also features a great variety of more structured activities like the one above and open-ended writing activities like the one below.

A Language Arts Curriculum with Great Storytelling (Win #2)
Both my nine-year-old and I are loving the story selections from the Mosdos Ruby text. Some I recognized, like a chapter from Little House in the Big Woods. Others, like Supergrandpa, are new to me. I love that the stories feature characters being brave and trying new things when their first attempts fail. Several of the stories also build in nice history lessons.

The exercises often build fun elements of the story into the activity design. The page above is used to explore the Supergrandpa story, which features a grandfather winning a bike race in Sweden and being greeted by the Swedish King. I love the way the graphic organizer reminds kids of the storyline.
Win #3: Fun Ways to Explore Language

The Things That Matter story features a family struggling in the Dust Bowl during the Great Depression. The story was full of words that my city-dwelling nine-year-old was not familiar with. I was thrilled to see this fun way of having her categorize all of those unfamiliar words!
Win #4: Detailed Lesson Plans
Honestly, I haven’t used the teacher’s guide a lot, but if I want to it’s full of very detailed lesson plans. I prefer to work on my own, but the lesson plans are there in case I need them.
So What Would We Change About the Mosdos Ruby Fourth Grade Language Arts Curriculum?
Honestly, this is an amazing curriculum! I do think that it’s important to note that I find it pretty challenging for a fourth grader. Lily is up to the task with support from me, but if your child struggles more with language you may want to drop down a level.
My only other suggestion is to include even more graphics in the activities book. Right now there are a couple per story, with more traditional question answer pages for the rest. I know that the exercises with graphics really engage my daughter’s learning, and she would love more of them!
Have you ever tried the Mosdos Ruby Fourth Grade Language Arts Curriculum? Or any of the other Mosdos Language Arts curriculum levels? What did you think? Is there something you would add or take away? Share recommendations and feedback in the comments below, on my Facebook page, or by tagging me on Instagram.
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
We are reviewing the 6th grade and honestly I should have gone about 4th. I’m loving what I’m seeing in your review and it seems more on level for my son. This is really a great program and I’ve enjoying trying it out.
It’s a very challenging curriculum!