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More Emma Quotes

Pointing at the toilet seat: “Look, oval! Kind of like an egg.”

To Johnny: “Do that one more time and our won’t get a Gameboy!” Okay, I really am confused on this one. We don’t own any video games, and to my knowledge Emma has never seen a Gameboy – but this is definitely what she said (I asked her to repeat herself).

Around 2pm: “It’s 29 o’clock and we need to cook dinner!”

After I complained about a not feeling well: “Don’t worry, Mama, it’s just Lily” (Lily is what we plan to name Baby #3)

We’re were all lying on my bed – or I’m lying on the bed and Emma and Johnny are trying to climb/jump on me. I tell them to stop, to which Emma replies: “Well, just close your eyes and go to sleep.” Now, why didn’t I think of that solution?

To Mike: “When I big girl I going marry you.”

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

14 thoughts on “More Emma Quotes”

  1. Cute! Can so identify with laying down and being climbed upon.

    Lily is a lovely name!

  2. So sweet. :) My little girl tells her daddy she’s going to marry him all the time. I love it.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I know I just left a comment here but I forgot to tell you that I have an award for you over at Healthy Moms.

  4. Too cute! Wouldn’t it be nice if you COULD just close your eyes and drown out the chaos for a minute or two sometimes?

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