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Monthly Goals for October 2021

Straightforward, attainable, and actionable monthly goals to get things done when life is busy. Here are our monthly goals for October 2021.

Click to read also: How to Choose a Word of the Year

October 2021 monthly goals

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Setting Monthly Goals for October 2021

If you read this blog regularly, you know that I’m a big fan of monthly goals. I keep them simple and usually include at least one fun goal that is something I know I will enjoy.

First, Let’s Look at September Goals

With my kids going to public school (in person, for the first time since March 2020) and I am only blogging and freelancing as a photographer and writer from home (not teaching myself), I made good progress on my September goals.

I swam on weekdays, made great progress on my book, and finished sewing my bag. Isn’t it pretty?

Annie Unrein messenger bag

It was a lot more complicated than my messenger bag to put together! I enjoyed making it and learned a couple of new techniques. I couldn’t find the exact pattern I used online, but it’s very similar to this Annie Unrein bag.

We threw a fun pool party for Anna. I still need to schedule Lily’s birthday party.

Mike and I enjoyed weekly dates.

I wrote some new content for my other sites, Great Family Reads and Top Toy Finds, but honestly got less blogging done than I hoped. We’ll see how that goes in October.

October 2021 Goals

autumn leaves

Here are my goals for this month:

  • Keep swimming on weekdays. Focus: mindfulness
  • Keep up with the Linus mystery quilt challenge I signed up for. Focus: education
  • Finish the manuscript for my book! Focus: education
  • Schedule Lily’s birthday celebration and hopefully fit it into this month as well. Focus: gratitude
  • Keep up weekly dates with Mike. Focus: gratitude
  • Sew Anna’s Halloween costume. She wants to dress up as Sara from A Little Princess. I love that she chose a book character this year! Focus: gratitude
  • Keep blogging here, as well as at least a little at Great Family Reads and Top Toy Finds. Focus: education

What are your monthly goals for October 2021?

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MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

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