Keeping goals simple paid off last month! Christmas gifts are purchased and wrapped, and storm cleanup is complete. There are Christmas gifts I would like to make, but now it is simply a matter of whether the kids get more than one gift – and they will be perfectly happy with the gifts I picked out for each of them.
We may have started off November with no power and some serious tree carnage in our yard, but it’s been a truly wonderful month. The kids got to play with both real snow and pretend snow. We set up our Christmas tree, pulled out our nativity set, and the kids are learning about Christmas music. We enjoyed days of stunning fall weather, and the kids loved jumping in and playing with fall leaves. Emma added new dimensions to our rice sensory play, creating rice art. Lily learned that craft time at the library is a lot of fun, and the kids especially enjoyed making Thanksgiving crafts. We all enjoyed a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner at my brother B’s house! I feel so lucky to have both a brother, and a sister, AND a sister-in-law (and soon nephew!) living nearby!!!
Lessons learned this month? We have a lot to be grateful for, it’s important to stand up to bullies, we love babies (well, that’s not new, but the kids sure enjoyed holding Baby R), and Daddy knows how to sew, too!
It’s incredibly easy to get caught up in day-to-day stress, so I’m very grateful that we made a lot of time to truly enjoy life this month – in simple ways!
Goals for December:
- Focus on a peaceful and grateful holiday season. Target Areas: gratitude, health, and peace
- Sort through the kids’ toys and pick some out to donate. Target Areas: gratitude and generosity
- Donate to our local food pantry. Target Areas: gratitude, education, and generosity
What are your December goals?
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
I think my December goal would be to just simply not have a huge to do list and just enjoy the season.
The perfect goal =)
Thankfully your Novemeber ended very differently to how it begun.
Keeping it simple is key. In the last few years we are very grateful for the fact that our families have simplified gift giving too – certainly makes for a more joyous Christmas.
November was a great month for you :) I hope you will enjoy your Christmas season!
What a great summary of your thanksgiving month! So impressed you have all your Christmas gifts bought and wrapped…
It is so nice to have it done! It helps that we keep Christmas quite simple – both in our immediate and extended families.
It is really wonderful to enjoy things like that isn’t it?
I love the toy box…we have an overload…since the move. I was saving them for my sister who is moving, but she only took half. Now i am glad I saved them, the kids are coming up with all sorts of fun stuff to do with them…it’s been fun!
Sounds great. I want Christmas to be simpler for us. It is a little simpler than it used to be around here, but not where I want it yet. What do you do with extended family? I would like to give fewer gifts! I just don’t know how to do that.
We are extremely lucky with extended family – Mike’s family doesn’t celebrate Christmas, and in my family we draw the name of one sibling and get them (and/or their family) a gift. Very simple!