Home » toys » The Cool New Toy Kids Build With Using Water {Liqui Fuze Review}

The Cool New Toy Kids Build With Using Water {Liqui Fuze Review}

DIY toys are always a hit with kids. The “glue with water” aspect of this one as well as the re-usability of the blocks will thrill parents as well!

Kids build toys they can play with, take apart, and build again - all with water thanks to the magic of Liqui Fuze!

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My children’s adoration of all things crafty makes me very happy. I feel that children learn a lot through crafting, and it makes a great unplugged activity.

Unfortunately, crafting can be a very messy endeavor. Most of the time I accept it as part of the process. I love making things, and I would be a major hypocrite to deny my children that same pleasure.

But there are times…

This summer, for example, we were getting our house ready to put on the market. I was working like mad to make our six-person home look more like a three- or four-person home. Crafty messes didn’t pair very well with that scenario.

It was the perfect time to give Liqui Fuze a try, and we were lucky enough to receive a few sets to review.

Liqui Fuze Review: The Cool New Toy Kids Build Using Water

DIY toys kids create using water!

Liqui Fuze is a very clever product. Each box comes with small geometric shapes and a water pen. Run the water pen along the edge of one piece, then stick on another piece. The two pieces bond together instantly, and remain bonded until you intentionally twist them apart.

Liqui Fuze review

Did you read that twist apart bit? YES, this water bonded toy is resuable! That is a big deal when you have four children who want to play with sets that come with limited pieces. It’s great for their imagination, and it allows children to build increasingly complex structures without constantly purchasing new supplies. The sets come with spare nibs for the pen, which seem to be the glue section of the toy. So long as you don’t store the pen with water in it, the nibs should last quite a while.

Fun things to make with Liqui Fuze kits

The geometric shapes component makes this toy a great precursor to 3D printing, since it teaches children to break something down into simple shapes. Liqui Fuze is also, conveniently, much more affordable than 3D printers! Of course, the geometric shapes also make this a great STEAM education toy.

Wondering exactly how this toy works? Check out this demonstration:

We were sent samples of this toy to try out. I know we’ll be buying sets as birthday gifts for friends this fall. We may also decide to expand our own collection of pieces for even more creativity.

DIY toys are always a hit with kids. The glue with water aspect of this one as well as the re-usability of the blocks will thrill parents as well!

Have you played with Liqui Fuze yet? What did you think? Let me know what you thought in the comments below, or on my Facebook page. You can also tag me on Instagram

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

6 thoughts on “The Cool New Toy Kids Build With Using Water {Liqui Fuze Review}”

  1. That’s awesome! My kids LOVE building little things like that, but I usually have to discretely throw away whatever they make once they forget about it. How great that the pieces can be reused! I’ve added it to their Christmas wishlist. :)

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