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Throw a LEGO DUPLO Party for the littles.

LEGO DUPLO Read & Build farm animal totem pole

We are huge LEGO DUPLO fans in our house, so it was fun to host a house party for their new Read & Build line of toys.

LEGO Brand Retail


These are super cute kits containing a board book and a set of blocks. The set we were sent was about a farm, and all the kids thoroughly enjoyed building the animals to go along with the story! Johnny stacked them into the totem pole featured above :)

LEGO DUPLO Read & Build House Party Kit

Newly-three-year-old Lily is in love with the farm set! And everybody adored the chocolate chip cookies my sisters made. Hooray for sisters!!!

delicious chocolate chip cookies

Several kids worked together to build a barn with our collection of DUPLO bricks so that the animals would have somewhere to live:

LEGO DUPLO Read & Build characters in a barn

There was a lot of tower building, as well:

Building a DUPLO tower

My personal favorite? This giraffe that one of the kids built, inspired by the Read & Build animals!

Giraffe built using LEGO DUPLO bricks

Do you love DUPLO bricks? My kids play with bricks that belonged to my younger brothers and sisters, and they are still like new!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

10 thoughts on “LEGO DUPLO Party”

  1. Elisa | blissfulE

    This looks like a great party theme, and I love Johnny’s totem pole and the giraffe!

    DUPLO blocks are a constant at our house. I picked up masses of them via local online classifieds, and they turned out to be a great investment. The used blocks cleaned up just like new! A fun thing about picking up random pieces this way is that we own a wide variety of DUPLO people, all of whom are very popular. :)

    1. I’m always amazed at how well LEGO toys clean up – we’ve had excellent luck cleaning up the used small bricks as well.

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