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Preschool Learning: Snacktime Mathematics

Emma and Johnny practice math using oatmeal squares

I’ve noticed a new snacktime activity: number play. Emma and Johnny both love to count their snacks (oatmeal squares, in this case), and Emma has started putting her snacks into sets, and then talking about which set is bigger and which is smaller. Then the biggest set gets eaten (or the smallest, depending on her mood). There are so many ways to structure this type of learning, but it never ceases to amaze me the way children build learning into their everyday play!

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

8 thoughts on “Preschool Learning: Snacktime Mathematics”

  1. See, I’m convinced your kids just love learning period. They amaze me with all they do on the learning end on their own, and they enjoy it!!

    Forgot to say, in the top post, Johnny’s suit is adorable, and I still love that picture of Lily.

    Johnny is writing so well!!!! WOW, Jack doesn’t even know the ABC song–LOL!!

  2. It always amuses me when Anna sorts her M&Ms or other food by color, size or some other attributes or makes patterns with it. Obviously a lot of processing happens in the brain while the stomach gets full. I like the shape Emma is building in the picture.

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