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Learning Laboratory: President’s Day!

President's Day Craft - Abraham Lincoln

I think this Abraham Lincoln President’s Day craft is genius! All credit goes to Emma’s excellent kindergarten teacher – she brought it home from school on Friday.

This is the first year any of my kids have “gotten” the idea of what a president is – and with elections coming up this fall, it seems like a good time to talk to them about it!

We talked about how being president is a job, where the president lives, and some of the things the president does: go to meetings, talk to people about what would be good for this country, meet with leaders of other countries.

What have you been learning about? From last week’s links, I LOVED this “Make Your Own Elmo” party favor for littles from Growing A Jeweled Rose – fabulous!!!

learning laboratory at mama smiles

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

17 thoughts on “Learning Laboratory: President’s Day!”

  1. Grumpy Grateful Mom

    Very cute! My youngest daughter was so excited to tell me all she learned about the Presidents at school this year. Usually we do something special at home too and learn about a specific president, but Monday was a little crazy. We’ll be celebrating late.

  2. This craft is so cute. We also started talking more about Presidents at home. Now Anna wants to run for a president with “No more wars” program. Hopefully US will be ready for that by the time she is an adult :)

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