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Learning Laboratory: Bring a sandbox to life!

Simple ways to bring a sandbox to life. Don’t have a sandbox? Check out this DIY sandbox!

bring a sandbox to life

Lily has been the only child to show much interest in our sandbox until this past week, when Johnny and Emma started adding small animals, grass, and other items to the mix. Suddenly, the sandbox is a fantastic play scape, perfect for hours of imaginative play!

Do your kids add things to the sandbox to bring it to life?

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MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

23 thoughts on “Learning Laboratory: Bring a sandbox to life!”

  1. Till date I haven’t bought a sand box for my LO. Your picture prompts me to buy one right away!

    Its definitely cute to hear/see their pretend plays :)

  2. My link should say “Finding Letters in Nature” if you are able to change it.

    Thanks for the link up and I love when my kids rediscover old toys too!

  3. I’ve been looking for something different to do with our sandbox. I think I’ll put plain old dirt in it and let the boys do whatever…the sand is just too hard to deal with. ha! (meaning, I’m tired of finding sand in my bed!)

  4. My older sister used to make an outdoor kitchen. She would take the spices outside and her and her friend would start mixing them. They had a pretend cooking show. LOL! Looking back, I’m surprised she was allowed to waste the spices. Of course, back then they weren’t from Penzey’s and cost a fortune. We had the cheap ones. LOL!

  5. I love that photo! Our tea set often ends up in the sandbox along with lots of leaves and twigs. The buckets are usually used to make all sorts of soups.

  6. Our sandbox is definitely part of her outdoor kitchen. She loves to use the sand as cakes, cookies, cupcakes, soup and more. I made her an oven from a big box and she loves it. So much fun!!

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