Want to learn how to program in Java at home? Read this review of CompuScholar’s Java Programming Homeschool course.
Click to read also: What is the best first programming language?

Disclosure: I’m a member of Timberdoodle’s blogger review team, and they sent me this product to review. I did not request or receive any other compensation, and all opinions are my own.
Learn Java Programming at Home with CompuScholar
What You'll Find on This Page
Computers run more and more of our lives, and I like my children to have some awareness of how computers and programs work.
Knowing a programming language can be useful in all sorts of ways, whether you are creating a cute little Word of the Year game or trying to figure out how to keep planes from colliding. Programming also develops logic and mathematical skills.
So when Timberdoodle offered us the chance to review CompuScholar’s Java Programming course I said yes. This course is included in Timberdoodle’s 11th grade curriculum kit. I am using it with my 8th grader and my 9th grader.

We had previously reviewed CompuScholar’s Python Course, so I know what to expect.
The course is well organized, with video and text lessons followed by quizzes. A table of contents allows you to jump around or review topics if needed.

Students program within the course. This works best with meticulous students who will follow instructions exactly. My 8th grader does fine; my 9th grader finds the limits on creativity frustrating.

It’s a serious course without jokes or illustrations. You’ll learn Java, but you need to be a serious student.
What We Like About this Program?
We like how well this course is organized. It’s also a very thorough introduction to Java programming. You’ll have some real skills if you make it through the course.
What We Would Change?
I wish there were ways for students to be creative in their programming. This would require a trained teacher who could interpret and correct any coding errors. Computers only identify whether or not you followed instructions exactly.
Even with the limitation of computer corrections of student work, I do think more humor and fun could be built into assignments for this course.
Our Verdict on CompuScholar’s Java Programming Course
We like this course for a student who is good at following directions and is willing to complete an assignment exactly as written. We recommend something else for students who need more personalized guidance or room for creative self expression.
Have you taken this Java Programming course? What did you think?

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MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
So this would have been perfect for Peter a few years ago. There are so many amazing classes coming out now.
One win of everything being shut down in parts of the country for a couple of years, I guess. I am genuinely excited about all of the resources we have now.