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Emma & Johnny & Lily Quotes: Snow White and Other Musings

Emma and Johnny playing outside

Emma and Johnny, any time we drive through a tunnel:
Oh wow! This is my FAVORITE tunnel!

Why doesn’t Snow White have any girl friends? She only plays with little animals. And dwarves.

Emma in the middle of the night, explaining why she’s scared:
I don’t like the shadows that look like me.

Johnny, as we pass a white pickup truck:
I want a new car! Let’s get that car!
As we pass another white pickup truck:
Let’s get a new car! Let’s get that car!

Johnny: I like bears, and robots, and milk. Bears, and robots, and yogurt, and milk, and letters, and bread.

Lily, watching Mike open our new computer:
Oh wow! My, my, my!

Lily playing outside

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

14 thoughts on “Emma & Johnny & Lily Quotes: Snow White and Other Musings”

  1. You are so good at recording the cute and sweet things your kids say. I should do this too!

    The pictures of the kids are very cute in this post.

  2. Great quotes! They all had me laughing. So impressed that Lily’s in on the quote action now, too!!

    I love how they see the world in a different way.
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..the great pram exchange =-.

  3. Love the quotes. Come to think of it, all Disney princesses seem to be lacking in human friends.
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..What My Child Is Reading – September 11- 2010 =-.

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