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Setting goals for July 2017 – summer vacation goals.
Some of my fondest childhood memories are of summer vacation days that seemed to stretch on endlessly. I loved the freedom from school schedules and homework, and I used those hours to develop the skills I use most as an adult. This is the first summer where I feel I’ve successfully scaffolded a similar experience for my own children, and it’s been amazing! We spent the first three weeks with the kids structuring ALL of their time. They spent a lot of time on academic type work, crafts, and music, but also hours outside exploring and swimming.
This last week Emma went to a chamber music camp and Johnny to an archery camp. This meant more outside structure to our days, but for valuable experiences for the kids. Lily and Anna also benefited from time home with just the two of them to dance and eat picnics in fun places throughout the house.
How Was June 2017?
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The beauty of setting simple goals is that they are actually attainable! I had three goals for June:
- Enjoy time off school. This was easy! My kids have to practice every day, which I combine with a list of activities they can choose from. We also have spending at least some time out of doors as an everyday requirement. Our family’s summer focus on kindness also helps to create a positive home environment.
- Sew the project I cut out. I love my new Runaround Bag, even though I cut the pieces out wrong and wound up cutting the pleat as a result. It’s not perfect – I could point out other mistakes – but it’s a fun bag for running around with kids. I originally bought the pattern as part of a Bluprint Kit, but they have gone out of business so you get an Etsy link. I included the optional zippered pocket – one step more towards conquering my irrational fear of zippers. I do need to work on taking decent photos of bags…

- Continue to work on organizing and decluttering. I made quite a bit of progress on this goal. I packed twenty (mostly small book boxes) of things that I decided we can do without until we move sometime this fall. I also threw out some things, sold a couple of items, and donated more.
July 2017 Summer Vacation Goals

Our July is going to be busier than June. The kids have a couple more camps, and my nephew will be visiting us along with Mike’s cousin. This is the third year these two teenage boys have stayed with us in the summer. They are great kids, and my kids love their time with them. Both Lily and Anna want to celebrate their early August birthdays while they are here – I’ll see if I can make that happen. And, of course, I turn 37 July 4th.
Somewhere in there I have to get our place ready to show to at least one prospective buyer. I’ve been asked to co-teach a family relations class at church, so I have to prep 2-3 lessons for that class each month. That class curriculum is completely up to me, so if you have recommendations, please let me know! Topics need to apply on some level to everyone (young, old, parents, single, married, widowed, divorced, etc.)
So, July 2017 summer vacation goals…
- Continue to declutter and organize. Mindful Living
- Celebrate birthdays. Gratitude
- Enjoy family time. Gratitude
- Keep sewing, mainly because it makes me happy, but also because I like the way it makes me think. I want to try sewing this Esme top, and I need to write up a tutorial for some super simple tops I’ve been sewing with my girls that they adore. Education
Goal Setting Inspiration
There’s no single right way to set goals! Every month a few blog friends and I join together to write up our goals. We each approach this challenge a bit differently. This month Christy wrote about how her busy family took a real break. Cassie is busy moving into her new home! I’ll add more links as the other posts go live.
What are your summer vacation goals? Please share your goals for the month in the comments below, or on my Facebook page. You can also tag me on Instagram.
MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.
Happy belated birthday! I hope you are enjoying your birthday month :)
Thanks! It has been a good month so far.
Stuff paper into the bag to puff it out for photos. That’s what they do in retail to display soft bags like yours. Your bag looks great!
Thanks for the tip! I’ll do that next time.
We are decluttering but during the unpacking stage. It has been crazy to see how much stuff we packed that we did not really need.
Good luck with your goals!
I’m trying to get rid of as much as possible as we pack up, but I’m sure that I will also end up decluttering as I unpack!
This month is our insanely crazy month. So I am oddly looking forward to school starting again and it calming down.
Your bag is cute. I always love the look of bags like those, they’re so nice and simple.
It’s such a comfortable bag to carry, too. I’m loving it.