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It was bound to happen sooner or later…


I was feeding Johnny breakfast this morning while Emma cut up strips of paper at the dining room table. At one point she made a comment about Johnny needing a haircut, but I didn’t think much of it since he was sitting with me.

Then I looked over to see her holding several long strands of her own hair in her hand! So much for allowing semi-supervised scissor time! Thankfully, the damage was minimal – I couldn’t even get a picture that captured it properly.

We had a wee discussion about how only grown-ups should cut hair, using special hair-cutting scissors…

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

9 thoughts on “It was bound to happen sooner or later…”

  1. Good job the damage was minimal :)When I was very little I trimmed our cats whiskers on one side with scissors. Oh dear, poor cat should have run away!

  2. Oh dear. I’ve read so many stories of this happening to moms and their daughters. I love that you weren’t angry about it…and later you’ll look back and have this story too to tell her and laugh about. Oh save the strands perhaps:)

  3. Oh wow. hope that’ll be the worst of it. We haven’t had that here yet, but I’m epxecting it one of these days!

  4. Oh my!! When my brother was little, he took a pair of scissors to the computer cables. My parents weren’t too happy about that!Valerie

  5. Oh boy! We’ve been there. In November, when she was two and a half, the youngest gave her fringe a monumental “trim”. You can see the carnage in the last picture of< HREF="http://filthwizardry.blogspot.com/2008/11/kid-artwork-soft-toycushions.html" REL="nofollow">this post<>It took about four months to grow out. The good thing about it was that it looked so awful that even total strangers stopped to ask her if she’d cut her own hair and reminded her what a bad idea it was.

  6. Andrea @ The Train To Crazy

    OH NO! I have been waiting for that day as well. I’m sure it will happen one of these days.

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