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Inspiring Kids: Danny MacAskill

Mike loves sharing things that inspire him with our kids, and this video of street trials rider Danny MacAskill cycling around Edinburgh (where Mike and I went to grad school and Emma was born) is a favorite with the kids.

All three kids love watching this – the tree flip is their favorite part. It has made an especially strong impression on three-year-old Lily, who declares on a near-daily basis that, “when I am a Dada I want to ride dangerous bikes like that!” (Lily also talks about being a mom and, more curiously, tells stories about when she was the mom and I was the baby…)

What inspires your kids?

MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

16 thoughts on “Inspiring Kids: Danny MacAskill”

  1. Elisa | blissfulE

    Michael was telling us at dinner tonight how he wants to go fast and use the handbrake on his bike to go upside down!!! Ack! I told the kids about how bikes can flip over like that to warn them, not to give them ideas… What would happen if I showed them this video??!

    1. My brother broke his collarbone that way! He was riding a European bike where the brakes are flipped (right side is front brake instead of rear brake, I believe? Haven’t ridden a bike in years now…) and pulled the wrong brake!

  2. Heather@Creative Family Moments

    We watched this with the kids like 5 times in a row! And every time I found my self involuntarily gasping at the tree flip while the kids JUMPED up shouting,”COOL!”
    Very inspiring. We are inspired by Steve Spangler, the Kid History people, the Olympics – pretty much anything amazing inspires us.

    1. My kids really enjoyed watching the Olympics! I need to introduce them to Steve Spangler and the Kid History people.

  3. That is a super cool video. I seriously could NOT show that to Wells or he really would try something that he picked up from it. When we first moved here, I caught him inside sitting at the top of the stairs on his tricycle. Apparently he had seen some “bigger boys” riding down stairs and he wanted to try it too! Did I ever tell you that my brother served his mission in Edinburgh?

    1. Oh no! Apparently Mike’s cousin broke his wrist several months ago after trying to imitate a stunt from this – he was a teenager, though. My kids are content to wait until they grow up – for now, at least…

      That sounds vaguely familiar about your brother – when was he there?

  4. Oops, forgot to update my website on the URL spot :)

    I just caught that it was Lily saying she’ll be a Daddy :) That is adorable.

  5. Hmmmm…….. Now that you ask that I can’t think of what does. Oh wait, I know watching Craft Wars makes my kids want to go out and create EVERYTHING! It seems to be a variable thing for them.

  6. My kids are inspired by music, photography, and anything that looks cool to them! I didn’t watch the video (because of our slow connection) but I’m sure my kids would love to see someone doing bike tricks.

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