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Learning About Seeing Eye Guide Dogs and Mini Horses


We were recently sent the book Cindy Lou and Sammy Too Go To the Mall: The Adventure of a Guide Dog Team (affiliate link – also available for Kindle) to review. My kids enjoyed reading this book about a dog and its legally blind owner traveling through shops and interactive with people. My kids understand blindness, because my grandmother is legally blind, but they don’t have much exposure to guide dogs. The book also launched a nice discussion about seeing eye guide dogs for the legally blind. Did you know that guide dogs have been around at least since the mid-16th century? I am hoping to someday raise a guide puppy with my kids.

Then we went to a free local robotics event (they happen a lot in Silicon Valley) where we met a legally blind man who was working on a guide robot. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the name of his robot (I was trying to watch four children in a very crowded space while learning about the guide robot), and an internet search didn’t turn it up either.

A few days later, I learned that there is an experimental program for using mini guide horses for individuals who are allergic to or afraid of dogs. Horses also live longer than dogs.


MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

7 thoughts on “Learning About Seeing Eye Guide Dogs and Mini Horses”

  1. jeannine: waddleeahchaa.com

    I’ve never heard of guide horses!

    What a wonderful experience to raise a guide dog puppy.

  2. Back when I was in elementary school and lived in California, one of my church leaders was blind and I remember being endlessly fascinated by her guide dog.
    I’ve always thought it would be cool to help raise a guide dog, but I’ve figured out I’m just not that good and not that consistent at training animals, so I don’t think any animal I tried to raise would do well with that.

  3. Elisa | blissfulE

    Guide horses! What a fascinating development! Guide robots make a lot of sense, too. Glad to see a children’s book addressing this area as well.

    You asked what I’ve been learning, and I just learned about Nano Farms this morning. In an effort for lower-income people to create sustainable jobs so they can afford to stay in the San Francisco Bay area, they have formed a business to build backyard organic veggie beds, made to order. They provide training in veggie growing, and even maintain the plots if desired. They also sell fresh organic produce. http://nanofarms.com/

  4. I did not know about Mini Guide Horses. That would be surprising to see. How wonderful that your children are learning about other people and how they live.

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