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Grilled banana dessert

Grilled bananas with your favorite toppings makes a delicious summer treat!

Grilled bananas with your favorite toppings makes a delicious summer treat!

Mike made this delicious grilled banana dessert in place of a cake for my birthday.

How To Grill a Banana

Grill the banana in its skin, cutting a thin slit in the skin (cutting into the banana slightly) as the only prep.

How Long Do You Cook a Grilled Banana?

How long you grill your banana is really up to you! The banana in this photo was only grilled for a few minutes, long enough to warm it up but not impact the structure of the fruit. Cook it longer for a mushy banana.

Grilled banana dessert

Grilled Banana Toppings

Pop it out onto a plat, top the banana with your favorite fruit and ice cream, and serve! We topped ours with blueberries, sprinkled on a little Ghirardelli cocoa, and served with vanilla ice cream. What a great summer treat!

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MaryAnne at Mama Smiles

MaryAnne is a craft loving educator, musician, photographer, and writer who lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Mike and their four children.

10 thoughts on “Grilled banana dessert”

  1. There are several different variations on this I’ve discovered as I’ve researched countries around the world. I haven’t quite made one yet, and I really don’t know why since I know several people in my family like it.

  2. Hello! I’ve been absent from blogland for over a month now but I’m (sort of) back! This looks absolutely heavenly. I’ve added it to my recipes bookmark file. I haven’t been liking sweets nearly as much recently and bananas are one of my favorite natural sweets. I would love this instead of cake for my birthday.

  3. Elisa | blissfulE

    This looks and sounds amazing! And so smart to use the grill rather than baking for a summer birthday.
    .-= Elisa | blissfulE´s last blog ..drummer girl =-.

  4. This makes the banana dessert even sweeter than a cake! Mike is a lovely husband I must say :-)

  5. This looks delicious! My kids and Jamie would LOVE this! I would like it too, but being the “has to have gobs of chocolate on it” lover that I am, I would have to have the Cadbury’s mentioned above to LOVE it:-).

    Mike is awesome to make this for you. Really, that is sweet and super!
    .-= Susana´s last blog ..Hanna’s Special Tree House built with love =-.

  6. Oooh, Mary Anne, this is a variation on a British campfire classic! Cut a slit in the banana, stuff with mars bar, wrap in foil and place in the embers at the end of a campfire. So good! Also good with Cadbury’s milk chocolate, though not as toffee-ish.

    Glad to see that Mike is looking after you so well – hugs to you both,


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